Saturday, May 1, 2010

Arizona, Illegal Immigration, and the Tenth Amendment

Kurt Nimmo
April 30, 2010

Colombian singer Shakira visited Phoenix the other day to instruct Americans on their Constitution. “I’m not an expert on the Constitution but I know the Constitution exists for a reason,” she said. “It exists to protect human beings, to protect the rights of people living in a nation with or without documents. We’re talking about human beings here.”

Latin pop star Shakira instructs Americans on their Constitution.

In the wake of Arizona passing a law that attempts to do what the federal government does not and should not — protect the state from an influx of illegal immigrants — a lot of folks are screaming that the new law is unconstitutional.

Is it? Nope.

Shakira and apologists for illegal immigration — and forcing the residents of Arizona to pay for it — need to actually read the document.

The Constitution does not mention immigration. It does not specify rules for immigration. Article I, Section 8 says: “(Congress shall have the power) To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization,” not regulate or enforce (or not enforce) immigration.


Beyond that the reader needs to drop down to the 10th Amendment. It reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In short, dealing with “illegal immigrants” (trespassers) is a duty reserved for the states, not the federal government.

But if you follow the corporate media you wouldn’t know this. You’d think the Constitution protects illegal immigrants.

Here’s what the Southern Poverty Law Center believes: “Arizona’s newly adopted immigration law is brazenly unconstitutional and will undoubtedly trample upon the civil rights of residents caught in its path… Quite simply, this law is a civil rights disaster and an insult to American values.”

In fact, the SPLC and the corporate media, now screaming about the Constitution, are completely out of touch with it and American values (or rather to principles specified in the founding document).

On May Day (a communist holiday) millions of people will take to the streets and demand that Arizona allow a tidal wave of illegal immigrants to flood over the border. Al Sharpton and other ambulance chasers will scream about civil rights for lawbreakers and trespassers. Some of them will say Arizona has violated the Constitution. This will be a patent lie or at best a distortion based on ignorance.

In America, circa 2010, the Constitution is dead. Millions of Americans have no idea what the document says. They are intellectually lazy and depend on a deceitful corporate media to translate the Constitution in 30 second soundbites.

Shakira said the Constitution “exists for a reason.” Indeed it does. The Constitution exists to provide a framework for the organization of the federal government and for the relationship of that government to the states and the people.

It is short and sweet. It does not contain any language about immigration.

As the Tenth Amendment instructs, such issues shall be left to the states. And that is exactly what the state of Arizona is doing.

Illegal aliens: Declaring war on the enablers

Devvy Kidd
April 30, 2010

22 million illegal aliens have invaded our country openly and in our face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in welfare, food stamps and medical care.

1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country’s authorization.

2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

The hysteria pumped up by the useful fools in mainstream media and cable news network anchors over Arizona’s new immigration law is shameful. The temper tantrums by mayors and race baiters like Al Sharpton demanding the State of Arizona ignore the lawlessness in their state caused by the illegals invasion is putrid. A U.S. Congressman calling for the Department of Fatherland Security under Jan (the man) Napolitano to ignore any requests from law enforcement in the State of Arizona to determine citizenship status is beyond words. This is what such irresponsible actions are creating:

“It’s going to change our lives,” said Emilio Almodovar, a 13-year-old American citizen from Phoenix. “We can’t walk to school any more. We can’t be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we’re illegal immigrants.”

The pigs?

All to protect criminals. When was the last time you saw massive demonstrations and mayors come out in support of bank robbers?

Thieves steal what doesn’t belong to them. The same applies to the 22 million illegal aliens who have invaded our country openly and in our face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in welfare, food stamps and medical care. Not to mention the massive amount of drugs coming across the border as well as gangs and terrorists. Arizona should just roll over and do nothing while their citizens suffer such madness.

There is no difference. A thief is a thief.

Oh, make no mistake about it, illegals are in an uproar and things are likely to get very ugly. Back on March 27, 2006, I wrote a column titled When Illegals Go Berserk, Will Your State be Prepared? Well, the situation is moving into a dangerous direction. Go watch to this harridan shout, “We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we…we will use them against you! Believe that!”

The mobs are planning protests in 70 cities May 1, 2010.

We saw the hordes back in 2006 brazenly walk the streets shouting for non existent rights. Regardless of what activist judges who should have been removed from the bench by Congress say, since an individual has no right to be on U.S. soil, they don’t have constitutional rights. It doesn’t matter how loud they scream or how many media mouthpieces in print and cable support these criminals, it doesn’t change legal facts. Humane treatment during detention and then deportation.

When President Hoover deported a million illegal aliens and President Eisenhower deported 1.3 MILLION illegals, we did not see this blatant shove it you know where from mobs or the media. Hoover and Eisenhower had the guts to stand up to special interests to support the law and American workers. Jobs here in America belong to legal and naturalized citizens, not illegal aliens regardless of country of origin.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Alex Jones: Sets Record Straight and Reaches Out to Military
April 30, 2010

In response to recent revelations that the Pentagon is training our soldiers and is preparing its awesome military machine to attack patriots and the Tea Party movement, Alex Jones produced the video below today.

Jones offers evidence of the government’s plan to decapitate a growing patriot movement that demands an out of control and authoritarian federal government respect and follow the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

PA Tax Amnesty TV Ad “We Know Who You Are”

Friday, April 30, 2010

Obama’s Shadow Government

Alan Caruba
Canada Free Press
April 29, 2010

How many of these names do you recognize?

Adolfo Carrion, Aneesh Chopra, Ear; Devamey, Kenneth Feinberg, Carol Browner, Ed Montgomery, Todd Stern, Cass Sunstein, Ron Bloom, and John Brennan. If none of them ring a bell, it is because they and others are all part of a shadow government of some thirty “czars”; advisers to President Obama who did not submit to the Senate confirmation process and are exempt from Congressional oversight.

Article 2, Section 2, U.S. Constitution, an excerpt: He (the President) shall have power, by and with the advice and Consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or the heads of departments.”

Al Gore Buys Another Mansion

Clearly worried about CO2 emissions causing rising sea levels, Al Gore has bought an ocean view mansion with 9 bathrooms.

Lauren Beale
Los Angeles Times
April 29, 2010

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have added a Montecito-area property to their real estate holdings, reports the Montecito Journal.

The couple spent $8,875,000 on an ocean-view villa on 1.5 acres with a swimming pool, spa and fountains, a real estate source familiar with the deal confirms. The Italian-style house has six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

Savage: Is Obama Trying to Spark a Race War?
April 29, 2010

Obama urges political action on the part of blacks, Latinos, young people and women while leaving out white males.

Poll Reveals Most Americans Support Arizona Immigration Law

April 29, 2010

Editor’s note: According to La Raza and ambulance chasers like Al Sharpton, you are a racist if you oppose illegal immigration. I guess most Americans are racist, then.

Seven in 10 U.S. adults support arresting people who can’t prove they’re in the United States legally, a poll about Arizona’s new immigration law indicated.

The Angus Reid Public Opinion poll of 1,002 American adults asked respondents if they’d want four guidelines in Arizona’s immigration law enacted in their own state.

The law, the nation’s toughest, seeks to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants and gives police broad powers to stop people on suspicion of being in the United States illegally.

Seventy-one percent of poll respondents said they’d support requiring their own police to determine people’s U.S. status if there was “reasonable suspicion” the people were illegal immigrants, the poll found.

Read entire article:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What’s More Important: Liberty Or The Entity That Protects It?

Chuck Baldwin
April 29, 2010

Let me ask readers a question. What’s more important: freedom and its undergirding principles, or the entity meant to protect it? A word of caution: be careful how you answer that question, because the way you answer marks your understanding (or lack thereof) of both freedom and the purpose of government.

Jefferson could not be clearer: America’s founders desired a land in which men might live in liberty.

Thomas Jefferson–and the rest of America’s founders–believed that freedom was the principal possession, because liberty is a divine–not human–gift. Listen to Jefferson:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” (Declaration of Independence)

Jefferson could not be clearer: America’s founders desired a land in which men might live in liberty. By declaring independence from the government of Great Britain (and instituting new government), Jefferson, et al., did not intend to erect an idol (government) that men would worship. They created a mechanism designed to protect that which they considered to be their most precious possession: liberty. In other words, the government they created by the Constitution of 1787 was not the object; freedom’s protection was the object.

Again, listen to Jefferson: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” In other words, government is not the end; it is the means. Government is not the goal; it is the vehicle used to reach the goal. Nowhere did Jefferson (and the rest of America’s founders) express the sentiment that government, itself, was the objective. Listen to Jefferson once more:

“That whenever ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (Declaration) (Emphasis added.)

Jefferson is clear: people have a right to alter or abolish ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT that becomes destructive to liberty. To America’s founders, there was no such thing as a sacred cow when it came to government. Government had but one purpose: “to secure these rights.” When ANY FORM of government stops protecting sacred, God-given liberties, it is the right and duty of people to do whatever they deem appropriate to secure their liberties–even to abolishing the government.

To America’s founders, patriotism had everything to do with the love of liberty, not the love of government!

Today’s brand of patriotism (at least as expressed by many) is totally foreign to the fundamental principles of liberty upon which America was built. I’m talking about the idea that government is an end and aim in itself; the idea that government must be protected from the people; the idea that bigger government equals better government; the idea that criticism of the government makes one unpatriotic; the idea that government is a panacea for all our ills; and the idea that loyalty to the nation equals loyalty to the government. All of this is a bunch of bull manure!

When government–ANY GOVERNMENT–stops protecting the liberties of its citizens, and especially when it begins trampling those liberties, it has become a “destructive” power, and needs to be altered or abolished. Period.

Can any honest, objective citizen not readily recognize that the current central government in Washington, D.C., long ago stopped protecting the God-given rights of free men, and has become a usurper of those rights? Is there the slightest doubt in the heart of any lover of liberty that the biggest threat to our liberties is not to be found in any foreign capital, but in that putrid province by the Potomac?

Therefore, we must cast off this phony idea that we owe some kind of devotion to the “system.” Away with the notion that vowing to protect and prolong the “powers that be” makes us “good” Americans. The truth is, there is very little in Washington, D.C., that is worthy of protecting or prolonging. The “system” is a ravenous BEAST that is gorging itself on our liberties!

Patriotism has nothing to do with supporting a President, or being loyal to a political party, or anything of the sort.

Is it patriotic to support our country (which almost always means our government), “right or wrong”? This is one of the most misquoted clichés in American history, by the way. Big Government zealots (on both the right and the left) use this phrase often to try to stifle opposition by making people who would fight for smaller government appear “unpatriotic.”

The cliché, “My country, right or wrong,” comes from a short address delivered on the floor of the US Senate by Missouri Senator Carl Schurz. Taking a strong anti-imperialist position and having his patriotism questioned because of it (what’s new, right?), Schurz, on February 29, 1872, said, “The senator from Wisconsin cannot frighten me by exclaiming, ‘My country, right or wrong.’ In one sense I say so, too. My country–and my country is the great American Republic. My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.” (Source: The Congressional Globe, vol. 45, p. 1287)

Schurz then later expanded on this short statement in a speech delivered at the Anti-Imperialistic Conference in Chicago, Illinois, on October 17, 1899. He said, “I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves . . . too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of TRUE patriotism: ‘Our country–when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’” (Source: Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz, vol. 6, 1913, p. 119) (Emphasis in original.)

Amen! In a free society, genuine patriotism demands that our country be RIGHT, as our nation’s policies and practices reflect the values and principles of its citizens. To feign some kind of robotic devotion to a nation without regard to sacred principle or constitutional fidelity is to become a mindless creature: at best, to be manipulated by any and every Machiavellian that comes along, or, at worst, to be a willing participant in tyranny.

As to loyalty to a President merely because he is President, Theodore Roosevelt may have said it best:

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth–whether about the President or anyone else.”

Hence, freedom-loving Americans cannot afford to become infatuated with Washington, D.C. We cannot allow these propagandists on network television to distort the meaning of true patriotism in our hearts.

Patriotism means we love freedom. It means we understand that freedom is a gift of God. It means we understand that government has only one legitimate function: to protect freedom. It means that our love of liberty demands that we oppose, alter, or even abolish ANY FORM of government that becomes destructive to these ends. And it means that we will never allow government to steal liberty from our hearts.

As I asked at the beginning of this column, What’s more important: freedom and its undergirding principles, or the entity meant to protect it? The right answer is, freedom and its undergirding principles. If you understand that, then you rightly understand that the current government we find ourselves under is in desperate need of replacement. And whatever, however, and whenever that replacement reveals itself is not nearly as important as that liberty is preserved.

On the other hand, if you mistakenly believe that government (the entity meant to protect liberty) is more important than liberty, you are both tragically deceived and pathetically impotent to preserving freedom. You may also have identified yourself as an enemy of freedom.

As for me and my house, we will stand with Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence–in whatever form it may present itself in a modern world bent on dismantling our liberties. In other words, I pledge no loyalty to any government that seeks to destroy our freedom–including the current one!

Riot Police Sent to Intimidate Tea Party During Obama Event

Kurt Nimmo
April 29, 2010

Obama trekked to Quincy, Illinois, today to pitch his Wall Street shell game. Obama’s pitch is designed to coincide with the Goldman Sachs dog and pony show now dominating the corporate media.

The local Tea Party decided to greet the president but the local constabulary was having nothing to do with it — they sent out riot cops to intimidate the Tea Party protesters. It seems they were in cahoots with the Secret Service.

“In addition, the Secret Service told the Riot Police to ‘push the crowd back as far as you can, out of sight’… So, this is what your dear leader thinks of YOU America. He doesn’t want to even see your face or know of your existence if you don’t agree with his policy,” notes a blogger.

Meanwhile, in Arizona, pro-illegal alien demonstrators throw water bottles at cops and nothing happens. No riot cops are dispatched.

Is something wrong with this picture?

From the Sharp Elbows blog:

11PM UPDATE from Gateway Pundit: We did everything the local police asked. We moved where they directed us. We moved when they asked us to. We double-checked that we were in an acceptable place on the street. We did not disobey the police and stand and sing God Bless America as some kind of protest. We stood on the corner and sang because we were told it was OK to stand on the corner and sing. That report is a complete whitewash for the Obama Administration’s overreaction to old ladies with American flags. And, if the Whig-Herald wants us to post video of the entire event…

Herald Whig: There were a few tense moments when the crowd moved west down York toward Third Street after the president’s motorcade arrived. A Secret Service agent asked the crowd to move back across the street to the north side. When the crowd didn’t move and began singing “God Bless, America” and the national anthem, Quincy Deputy Police Chief Ron Dreyer called for members of the Mobile Field Force to walk up the street

Bachmann: Federal Government Now Owns or Controls 51% of the Private Economy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pro-Illegal Demonstrator Says Illegals Will Kill Americans with Pickaxes

April 28, 2010

Editor’s note: The video below demonstrates that the Plan of San Diego is still alive, at least in a rhetorical sense. The Plan was “drafted in a jail in Monterrey, Nuevo León, provided for the formation of a ‘Liberating Army of Races and Peoples,’ to be made up of Mexican Americans, African Americans, and Japanese, to ‘free’ the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Colorado from United States control,” explains the Texas State Historical Association. “The liberated states would be organized into an independent republic, which might later seek annexation to Mexico. There would be a no-quarter race war, with summary execution of all white males over the age of sixteen. The revolution was to begin on February 20, 1915. Federal and state officials found a copy of the plan when local authorities in McAllen, Texas, arrested Basilio Ramos, Jr., one of the leaders of the plot, on January 24, 1915.”

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is releasing a video clip today that shows an illegal alien supporter in Arizona claiming that shovels and axes will be used against Americans just prior to the riot where police officers and American citizens were assaulted by the mob protesting SB 1070.

“We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we…we will use them against you! Believe that!” screams an opponent of Arizona’s tough new bill addressing illegal immigration.

Several organizers supporting the opponents of the bill can be seen trying to stop illegal alien supporters from accosting American citizens that support SB 1070.

Despite intense efforts by illegal alien organizers and police to keep the angry crowd back, a large Hispanic male in a red sport jersey that reads “Warner 13″ tries to push past handlers and another voice screams ” (garbled) you can’t argue with a puto!”

The Urban Dictionary defines a puto as a “Spanish word for a male prostitute. sometimes it´s offensive for homosexuals. in Mexico it is used for cowards and traitors”

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is circulating this video to the nation via national press release today. The video is also being sent to ALIPAC’s 30,000 national supporters for comment and circulation with encouragements for activists to send copies to state and Federal lawmakers.

ALIPAC is also issuing an advisory to law enforcement agencies across America in anticipation of the May 1 illegal alien protest scheduled nationally by Congressman Luis Gutierrez and the National Council of La Raza (The Race).

“We just want to make sure that our police agencies in these towns and cities where similar groups of angry illegal alien supporters plan to gather on May 1, are fully and properly informed,” said William Gheen of ALIPAC. “We are asking our supporters to make sure their local police are aware of the riots, assaults on police, assaults on Americans, and murderous slogans advocating armed rebellion documented in this video, as well as others coming out of Arizona.”

Pro-Illegal Alien Demonstrators Attack Cops
April 28, 2010

If the violent demonstrators had been anti-war or anti-globalist the cops would have brought out the tasers, rubber bullets, and water cannons.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CIA Director Says Cyber Attack Could Be Next “Pearl Harbor”

Hal Silliman
Sacramento Press
April 26, 2010

Editor’s note: Recall what the last Pearl harbor event shilled by the neocons resulted in — more than a million dead Iraqis.

Central Intelligence Agency director Leon Panetta told 300 Sacramento Metro Chamber Cap-to-Cap delegates that the next “Pearl Harbor” is likely to be an attack on the United States’ power, financial, military and other Internet systems.

Panetta addressed the Sacramento delegation that includes 43 elected officials and hundreds of business and civic leaders who are in Washington D.C. for the annual program that advocates for the region’s most pressing policy issues. He spoke on Monday, April 19, during the Cap-to-Cap opening breakfast.

“Cyber terrorism” is a new area of concern for the CIA, Panetta said. The United States faces thousands of cyber attacks daily on its Internet networks. The attacks are originating in Russia, China, Iran and from even hackers.

Alex Jones: Global Bank Conspiracy

April 24, 2010

The IMF has proposed levying two global taxes on the worlds banks to make sure the banks dont get us into trouble again. If that sounds dubious that’s because it is, in reality what is being proposed, and has been falling into place for some time, is the framework for an unelected global authority with powers above and beyond those of sovereign governments.

A national disgrace: Neglect of Ground Zero workers is a scandal and a shame

Posted by sakerfa on April 19, 2010

(NYDailyNews) – The latest scientifically established facts about the harms suffered by 9/11 rescue and recovery workers scream out for action.

A study of 13,000 firefighters and Emergency Medical Service workers revealed in 2006 that about one-fifth had lost the equivalent of 12 years worth of lung functioning.
Now, a followup in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that the damage appears to be permanent in most of those rescuers.

Meanwhile, lawyers – who have been paid, or expect, huge fees – haggle over suits filed by Ground Zero workers after Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein rejected a proposed settlement.

Meanwhile, New York‘s congressional delegation has to fight tooth and nail to maybe someday get the U.S. to pay fair compensation for injuries suffered in national service. Shameful.

Source: NY Daily News

Pentagon Continues to Use “Personality Disorder” Discharges to Cheat Veterans out of Benefits

Posted by sakerfa on April 22, 2010

(GlobalResearch) – An army sergeant who had received 22 honors including a Combat Action Badge prior to being wounded in Iraq by a mortar shell was told he was faking his medical symptoms and subjected to abusive treatment until he agreed to a “personality disorder”(PD) discharge.
After a doctor with the First Cavalry division wrote he was out for “secondary gain,” Chuck Luther was imprisoned in a six- by eight-foot isolation chamber, ridiculed by the guards, denied regular meals and showers and kept awake by perpetual lights and blasting heavy metal music—abuses similar to the punishments inflicted on terrorist suspects by the CIA.
“They told me I wasn’t a real soldier, that I was a piece of crap. All I wanted was to be treated for my injuries,” 12-year veteran Luther told reporter Joshua Kors of “The Nation” magazine (April 26th). “Now suddenly I’m not a soldier. I’m a prisoner, by my own people. I felt like a caged animal in that room. That’s when I started to lose it.” The article is called “Disposable Soldiers: How the Pentagon is Cheating Wounded Vets.”

Luther had been seven months into his deployment at Camp Taji, 20 miles north of Baghdad, when a mortal shell exploded at the base of his guard tower that knocked him down, slamming his head into the concrete. “I remember laying there in a daze, looking around, trying to figure out where I was at,” he said. Luther suffered permanent hearing loss in his right ear, tinnitus, agonizing headaches behind his right eye, severe nosebleeds, and shoulder pain.

The sergeant took a Chapter 5-13 PD discharge in order to escape his confinement, becoming one of 22,600 soldiers so separated since 2001, a discharge that relieves the Pentagon of the responsibility and cost of long-term care for the wounded. An Army major told Luther to sign the discharge papers or “you’re going to be here a lot longer.” Luther recalled, “They had me broke down. At that point, I just wanted to get home.” Many of the PD discharge recipients are soldiers who have served two and three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, author Kors writes.

Sgt. Angel Sandoval, who served under Luther, said Luther’s insistence on his wearing ceramic plates strapped to his bulletproof vest saved his life and described Luther as “one of the greatest leaders I had.” Yet this is the man the Army imprisoned when he requested medical treatment. “This should have been resolved during the Bush administration. And it should have been stopped now by the Obama administration,” Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, is quoted as saying about PD discharges. “The fact that it hasn’t is a national disgrace.”

Luther’s case is no isolated example, writes Kors, noting that in the past three years “The Nation” has uncovered more than two dozen such cases. “All the soldiers were examined, deemed physically and psychologically fit, then welcomed into the military. All performed honorably before being wounded during service…Yet after seeking treatment for their wounds, each soldier was diagnosed with a pre-existing personality disorder, then discharged and denied benefits,” Kors writes.

This past December, he reports, VA doctors found Luther to be suffering from migraine headaches, vision problems, dizziness, nausea, difficulty hearing, numbness, anxiety and irritability—and diagnosed him with traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, declaring the veteran 80 percent disabled. The diagnosis cleared the way for the sergeant to receive disability benefits and lifetime medical care.

With his health improving, Luther has vowed to fight the military on behalf of other soldiers who got a raw deal like himself. He founded Disposable Warriors, a one-soldier operation near Fort Hood, Texas, that assists soldiers fighting their discharge and those appealing their disability rating, Kors reports. Luther says the base had 12 suicides last year as of June 2nd but reported only two. Luther is quoted in a November 21, 2009, article on “Truthout” as saying there is only one mental health professional for every 1,263 soldiers “and that is the first failure.”

After opening Disposable Warriors, Luther found a threatening note on his car windshield that read: “Back off or you and your family will pay!!” Whoever wrote that note doesn’t know Chuck Luther very well.

Sherwood Ross, a U.S. Air Force veteran, is a free-lance writer and publicist residing in Coral Gables, Fla. He formerly reported for the Chicago Daily News and worked as a wire service columnist. Reach him at

Source: Global Research

Regulatory Reform Bill: Another Round of Bailouts

Brandon Turbeville
April 22, 2010

It only takes a passing knowledge of current events to prompt the question of how many times the American people can be conned before they begin to wake up. Indeed, one might even ask how many times they can be conned with the same lines for the same result. Yet unfortunately, it appears that the most realistic answer is that there is in fact no limit to the gullibility of the general public. Despite the growing tea party movement as well as protests against higher taxes and bailouts, the U.S. government is gearing up yet again for another round of bailouts and the populace is geared up to accept them.

There is literally no incentive to avoid making bad investment decisions, since the consequences will be absorbed by the taxpayers.

Ironically, the antipathy toward big banks and corporate socialism is leading the nation straight for more of just that. Under the guise of regulatory reform, President Barack Obama, with the help of congress, is attempting to ram through a bill that provides very little real oversight or protection from financial calamity. Rather, it almost ensures it.

First, the legislation creates an FDIC directed slush fund of approximately $50 billion for any future bailouts that arise. The FDIC would raise this money by levying a tax on large banks and “other eligible financial companies. (Darling) Yet while the notion of imposing taxes on the financial industry may at first seem appealing, both as a source of revenue and revenge, it should be remembered that the cost of these new taxes will inevitably be passed on to the ultimate victims of all bad decisions made by large financial institutions and the government – the taxpayer. (Darling) Eventually, these costs will all trickle down in one form or another. If nothing else has survived, the concept of passing down costs to the consumer has remained as one of the last vestiges of a once capitalist economy. That is, at least from a corporate perspective.

However, a second and much more pressing problem exists within the bill. Namely, that it is mainly a cover for unlimited and permanent bailout authority granted to the Treasury Department. Under this legislation the Treasury would be able to make loan guarantees for any institution that is deemed to be “systemically significant,” a term that can be open to many interpretations and no doubt will be as things progress. (Ward) This is similar to the blank check written in the TARP legislation during the bailouts of 2008-present, now totaling close to $25 trillion dollars of total cost.(Watson) In an interview with Politico, Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman of California stated plainly, “The Dodd bill has unlimited executive bailout authority. That’s something Wall Street desperately wants but doesn’t dare ask for. The bill contains permanent, unlimited bailout authority.”(Mark)

The bill, authored by Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut, would not even require those institutions receiving the bailout to take a loss on their failing investments. If the bailout fund is used, then the FDIC would be able to bail out creditors at rates that are even more than what they had originally invested to begin with. (Darling) Once again, the taxpayers would be on the line for the risks of bad investments yet reap no benefits whatsoever when profits are made. This creates an enormous moral hazard in the financial industry, at least for those firms large enough to be bailed out. There is literally no incentive to avoid making bad investment decisions, since the consequences will be absorbed by the taxpayers.

Much like the Obama Healthcare bill, the mainstream media has done its’ best to make regulatory reform a partisan issue. Congress, of course, has made their job much easier with the childish antics of both democrats and republicans. Like the Obamacare debacle when insurance companies pretended to oppose the healthcare bill, there is a concerted effort to portray the financial industry as being in opposition to the regulatory reform bill. Not only that, it is the industry itself that will benefit the most from its’ passage.

In this case, democrats have charged that republicans are opposing the bill because of money donated by the financial industry to many republican senators and representatives, a sum of $7.3 million dollars in this election cycle alone. The President himself even commented on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s meeting with Wall Street executives in an effort to portray the financial sector as opposed to the legislation. “I don’t know exactly what was discussed,” he said. “All I can tell you is when [McConnell] came back, he promptly announced he would oppose financial regulatory reform.”(Ward) However, this is nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black, as democrats received $11.1 million in donations from the financial industry in the last election cycle, with Obama himself having received close to $1 million in his campaign for the presidency. (Ward) Obama has also had his own meetings with Wall Street. In both February and March of 2009, Chief Executive of Goldman Sachs met with the President at the White House according to White House visitor logs. He also visited twice with Obama’s top economic advisor Larry Summers. (Gordon)The fact is, both democrats and republicans are beholden to the financial sector. For one party to accuse the other of making policy based on contributions is not only hypocritical, it is simply playing into the dynamics of the false left-right paradigm.

The lawsuit against Goldman Sachs by the SEC is only one more part of this show. Only a few weeks ago, the Securities Exchange Commission charged Goldman Sachs with fraud, alleging “Goldman wrongly permitted a client that was betting against the mortgage market to heavily influence which mortgage securities to include in an investment portfolio, while telling other investors that the securities were selected by an independent, objective third party.”(Hunter) Essentially, the charges suggest that Goldman Sachs, along with a hedge fund client, assembled a collection of sub-prime investments that were put together intentionally to fail and then bet against it. They then took out an insurance policy on those same securities with AIG. (Hunter). Yet while many Americans laud the actions of the SEC and celebrate what they believe to be the hand of justice descending down upon the big banks, they lose sight of the fact that this is only one individual case of fraud. Realistically, this is business as usual on Wall Street and it represents virtually the entire derivatives market. However, the SEC has only managed to produce charges for one isolated incident. (Hunter) This situation is reminiscient of the outrage expressed at a few billion dollars worth of executive bonuses while the trillions of dollars funneled to international banks was completely ignored. These charges, while well-deserved, are potentially a setup for the American people. Indeed, they provide the populace with the opportunity to cheer as Goldman Sachs gets handed a fine that they will almost certainly be able to pay without batting an eye while the real cost of the bailouts and corrupt derivatives market is entirely ignored.

Yet even the prospect of a hefty fine, when looked at closely, seems to dwindle. Tony Fratto, former White House and Treasury Department expert on financial policy has suggested that the case produced by the SEC is weak. He is quoted by the Daily Caller as saying, “I think it’s becoming clear to most people who understand the business and the law that SEC is very unlikely to prevail in court.” (Ward) So did the SEC intentionally produce a fragile case against Goldman Sachs so as not to ensure any in-depth meaningful investigation? At this point, we can’t be entirely sure. However, we can be sure that the prospect of anything more than a show trial is getting smaller by the day.

So it does appear, at least right now, that the SEC’s action against Goldman Sachs is nothing more than a brilliant PR move designed to guide public opinion into supporting a disastrous piece of legislation and provide the current regime with a populist image of being “against the banks.” Even Rep. Darrell Issa, republican member of the House Oversight Committee, questioned the timing of the charges. (Allen) In a letter addressed SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro, he says,

The events of the past five days have fueled legitimate suspicion on the part of American people that the commission has attempted to assist the White House, the Democratic Party, and Congressional Democrats by timing the suit to coincide with the Senate’s consideration of financial regulatory legislation, or by providing Democrats with advance notice. (Allen)

Although Issa predictably attempts to make this a left/right issue, the charges he makes are valid. Peculiar circumstances tend to surround the announcement of the charges such as the fact that shortly before the SEC made its charges public, the New York Times had already published a story on its website describing the suit. (Allen) When one considers the hype these charges have been subjected to, and that they appear at the same time the regulatory reform legislation comes up for a vote, one begins to see the potential for a more coordinated method of action than is readily apparent at first glance. Indeed, the SEC itself is not exactly free of guilt when it comes to funneling taxpayer money to undeserving financial institutions. In May 2009, the SEC agreed to keep secret many of the most important details of the AIG bailout, which was largely the funneling of billions of dollars into large banks and financial institutions, particularly Goldman Sachs. (Nimmo)

Like the healthcare bill before it, the regulatory reform bill is being rushed through congress with little debate in an effort to avoid the backlash that would occur if the American people were to find out that it was nothing more than a continuation of a policy of upward wealth transferrance. Unfortunately, the House has already passed a version of the bill that will have to be reconciled with the Senate version should it pass there (Darling).

Works Cited

Allen, Mike. “GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman.” Politico. April 20, 2010.

Darling, Brian. “Obama Now Pushing Sneaky Wall Street Bailout.” April 20, 2010.

Gordon, Greg. “Goldman’s White House connections raise eyebrows.” McCLatchy Newspapers. April 21, 2010.

Hunter, Greg. “Fraud: It’s Much Bigger Than Goldman Sachs.” USAWatchdog. April 19, 2010.

Mark, David. “Sherman: Dodd Bill Contains Unlimited Bailout Authority.” Interview conducted by David Mark. Politico. April 20, 2010.

Nimmo, Kurt. “SEC Engages in Conspiracy with AIG to Hide Bailout Evidence.” January 13, 2010.

Ward, Jon. “Regulatory reform debate obscures key fact: Everybody’s getting money from Wall Street.” The Daily Caller. April 20, 2010.

Watson, Steve. “Banksters Rally Round Fed To Keep Bailout Trillions Secret.” April 15, 2010.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The government has your baby’s DNA!

Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
April 26, 2010

(NaturalNews) According to Brad Therrell, director of the National Newborn Screening & Genetics Resource Center, all babies born in the United States are required to be screened for a host of genetic diseases. The government has mandated that all newborns be evaluated genetically to see whether or not they might be predisposed to developing a genetic disease and most parents are not informed about the tests.

The Browns from Mankato, Minnesota, are one such couple who was informed by their pediatrician that their daughter, Isabel, has a gene that allegedly heightens her risk of developing cystic fibrosis. Curious as to how the doctor obtained information about Isabel’s genes, the couple inquired of her about this, only to find out that Isabel had undergone gene tests when she was born without their consent.

Many states not only conduct gene tests on newborns but they store them indefinitely in government labs, which has caused an uproar among concerned parents.

“Why do they need to store my baby’s DNA indefinitely? Something on there could affect her ability to get a job later on, or get health insurance,” explained Annie Brown, Isabel’s mother. Her concern is shared by millions of parents across the country, many of whom have filed lawsuits in their own states against the government.

In Minnesota, the explanation for why DNA is stored indefinitely is so analysts can perform repeat tests if need be. The state claims that in case a child ever goes missing or dies, DNA blueprints can be used for tracking and identification purposes. It also admits that samples are used for “medical research”.

Genetic testing on newborns first began in the 1960s to allegedly help detect serious conditions like retardation in order to save babies’ lives. According to records, many newborns’ lives were saved from such testing.

However, new tests were gradually added to the panel over the years. In some states, babies are screened for up to 54 different conditions. Their results are then stored in state labs for indefinite periods of time but, according to Therrell, parents need not worry about it.

“The states have in place very rigid controls on those specimens,” he explained. “If my children’s DNA were in one of these state labs, I wouldn’t be worried a bit.”

In reality, outside researchers often have access to the samples as well as the babies’ names to whom they belong. One study conducted in Minnesota found that over 20 scientific papers published in the U.S. since the year 2000 used newborn blood samples.

In many states, parents can request that their babies’ DNA be removed from labs and destroyed. Whether or not the state actually obeys is another story.

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 26, 2010

Homosexual rumors surrounding Senator Lindsey Graham underscore the core reason why the vast majority of Congress members habitually support legislation that is anathema to the interests of the people they are supposed to represent, because politicians rarely achieve positions of influence without being beholden to one form of blackmail or another.

ALIPAC’s William Gheen provoked national headlines last week during a speech in front of thousands of Tea Party supporters when he publicly requested that Graham come out of the closet and admit that he is gay.

“William Gheen called on Senator Lindsey Graham to be honest with American voters about his homosexual lifestyle to assure that Graham’s desire to keep it a secret could no longer be potentially used by political insiders to manipulate Graham’s behavior,” reports Before It’s News. “There are many precedents in American politics where affairs, corruption, addictions, and other situations that politicians wanted concealed were used to manipulate them with unfair advantage.”

“When you have a U.S. Senator from such a conservative state like South Carolina working hand in hand with Obama and New York liberals like Senator Chuck Schumer to pass an Amnesty bill for illegal aliens, there is something very wrong,” said Gheen. “After today’s national broadcasts, the American public will know what the DC insiders know and that was my goal.”

Gheen’s speech has since gone viral on You Tube and prompted a national debate about Graham’s sexuality and if it is being used to blackmail him into pushing the big government agenda.

The open secret that Graham is an alleged homosexual explains why he constantly supports legislation and policies that are almost universally abhorred by his South Carolina constituency – carbon taxes and the phony global warming agenda, pro-amnesty immigration reform, as well as his hostility towards the Tea Party movement.

Graham has been labeled a “Democrat in drag,” a “traitor” and a “disgrace” by conservatives for his policies and was confronted on his global warming advocacy during a town hall meeting in October last year.

This strikes at the very root of why government is broken – politicians may pay lip service to the will of the people to get elected but once in office they click their heels and march to the tune of the controlling elite. That’s because almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

This is precisely what we’ve witnessed with President Obama. Despite his promises of hope and a change from the direction of the Bush administration, Obama has followed the same agenda with aggressive uniformity – beefing the war in Afghanistan while expanding it into Pakistan, renewing the Patriot Act, extending warrantless wiretaps, and growing the size of the federal government to unthinkable levels while preparing massive tax hikes.

Obama’s dubious origins, not only the “birther” controversy but the admitted fact that his real name is Barry Soetoro, have been manipulated by the controlling elite to perfection. While never blown wide open, the scandal is kept suitably bubbling under the surface as a threat that if Obama ever does try to be a real leader, his legacy will be completely destroyed.

A more sinister aspect of the same process of blackmail being exercised against Obama is the fact that he is constantly reminded that he is a target for assassination. This was in the news again today with the story of a man who was arrested carrying a gun at a North Carolina airport as President Obama was leaving on board Air Force One.

As we reported earlier this year, throughout the presidential campaign, the public was constantly told that Obama was an assassination target and that his safety was always in jeopardy, a claim that was given credibility after numerous odd secret service security lapses at public events where Obama really was put in danger, whether intentionally or otherwise.

The “gatecrashers” story also served to increase awareness about Obama being vulnerable to attack by people who can seamlessly slip through security and get face to face with the President relatively easily.

It is clear that the neo-cons are holding Obama hostage and issuing a thinly veiled threat by repeating the mantra that the only way to save his political career and his presidency is to attack Iran. There is undoubtedly a mountain of dirt being held back regarding Obama’s past that is being used to blackmail the President into following the new world order agenda – the same as with any President before him.

Becoming President of the United States and indeed being elected top any prominent political office isn’t an opportunity to change things for the better, it’s a deal that politicians make to follow the agenda or if they don’t, to have every intricacy of their private lives exposed to the attack dog media.

Being outed as a homosexual, an adulterer, or having any other personal secret exposed for the endless titillation of the press is the lightest possible punishment a politician can face for stepping out of line. If they don’t have sufficient dirt on them that can be brought out to discredit their name, then all together more unpleasant methods are used.

Blackmail is the primary reason why those in Washington consistently ignore their electorate and push for policies that enjoy little or no support from the majority of Americans.

This is why Congress has an approval rating of a paltry 10 per cent. Nine in ten Americans think Congress is doing a terrible job. This disconnect between politicians and the people isn’t merely due to inherent corruption, it’s primarily because Congress members are completely compromised before they even take office. In most cases, politicians are destroyed by the media before they can even get elected if they don’t have dirt on them that can later be used for blackmail.

Indeed, this is why the cult of personality behind Obama was allowed to be built up to sweep him into office. This is why Wall Street poured billions of dollars into Obama’s campaign fund – because they knew he was compromised, could be easily blackmailed, and would therefore dutifully acquiesce to the orders of the banking elite that he obediently serves.

Kissinger in 2008: There will be “Bipartisan” Push for New World Order, Whoever Is Elected President

Jurriaan Maessen
April 24, 2010

In Jason Bermas’ film “Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined”, the concept of one world government has been definitively elaborated upon, its long-term objectives explained in detail. One of the chief proponents of the destruction of national sovereignty appearing in the documentary, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, has been heard on countless occasions quite openly calling for the emergence of the New World Order. Of course a child knows that in order to bring about a new structure, one has to first tear down the old one.

At the 2008 Montreal Conference of the Americas, sponsored by UNESCO and other transnational leviathans, Kissinger not only reaffirmed the mantra held sacred by the global elite, namely that national sovereignty is a thing of the past and all efforts should now be concentrated on ceding it on the altar of globalism. Moreover, he admitted to the fact that there is a like-minded cabal pushing the destruction of nation-states worldwide. It is unnecessary to mention, that the same objective was cherished by every tyrant over the last thousand year or longer. Kissinger’s speech (speech accessible through link provided) “The Americas and the World” sums up quite clearly the prime goal that all transnational bodies of power are working towards.

“We were taught about international affairs in terms of national states. That was the international system that emerged in Europe at the end of the 30-years war when it was decided that a concept of sovereignty should be the dominating element of international politics.”

“Sovereignty”, Kissinger went on to explain, “meant that each state was free to do within its borders substantially what it decide to do… and that international affairs was the relation of states with each other along clearly defined national borders.”

He proceeded to exclaim that this system has come to an end- not in the last place by the interventions, I must add, of Kissinger himself.

“That system is now changing fundamentally. In Europe the national state which brought about the greatness of the various European countries, is in the process of being abandoned. And European countries freely are ceding their… much of their sovereignty, and will do more, to the European Union. Now this is one of the creative acts of the current period..”

Here he arrives at the current struggle between the globalists and the ones valuing national sovereignty.

“The European Union has not yet been able to generate the commitment in the political world and psychological world that the European state could create. So in a way policy-making in Europe is caught between a path which is being rejected and a future which is not yet reached.”

“I will tell you”, he concluded in his speech, “that however our elections ends (…), a number of us in both parties have concluded that when it’s over, we are going to make an effort to bring about a bipartisan outcome, or direction of foreign policy. We may disagree on practical things, but we want to get the debate back to a consensus about our purposes and the debate about tactics- which is the way democracies function. (…). When the smoke clears, the issues that I described will still be there. (…) I think those who have seen this now for a few decades will make an effort to come together to give it a direction which unifies our people and hopefully as many of the rest of the world as we can convince to come with us.”

No mistake here. The “issues” Kissinger talks about, are those concerning national sovereignty as an outdated system, replacing it with an international system without borders. A one world government. Let me repeat his last comment:

“… however our elections ends (…), a number of us in both parties have concluded that when it’s over, we are going to make an effort to bring about a bipartisan outcome, or direction of foreign policy.”

So, Kissinger admits that, regardless of the outcome of the presidential elections of ‘08, “those” who in both parties have “seen” that the destruction of sovereignty is both inevitable and desirable, will make an effort to come together to move further in the direction of a brave new world without borders. Ron Paul therefore was absolutely spot on when he stated at the November 2008 debate in Florida:

“It’s not so much a secretive conspiracy. It’s a contest between ideologies, whether we believe in our institutions here, our national sovereignty, our constitution- or are we going to further move in the direction of international government, more UN. You know, this country goes to war under UN resolutions. I don’t like big government in Washington, so I don’t like this trend toward international government.(….) It’s not so much as a sinister conspiracy, it’s just: knowledge is out there. If we look for it, you’ll realize that our national sovereignty is under threat.”

Watch the fragment:

CNN Pushes Brutal One Child Policy As Part Of “Green” Love Life

Chinese system is enforced by forced abortion, infanticide and compulsory sterilization

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Under the guise of a trendy-wendy “green love life” feature story, CNN today casually pushes Chinese-style one child policies, a brutal program which in reality is enforced by way of forced abortions, infanticide and compulsory sterilization.

“Don’t be so keen on having babies. How about adopting a child instead or implementing a one-child policy?” the CNN story breezily suggests.

Somewhere in the region of twenty-five million men in China are unable to find brides because so many girls are murdered shortly after birth. The explosion in the illegal sex trade in Asia is also a direct result of the shortage of women.

In many cases, women are literally kidnapped off the street by state goons from the “Birth Control Office,” driven to government hospitals, drugged, and their child is forcibly aborted.

In one case earlier this year, both a young woman and her baby were killed after such an abduction in Liaocheng City.

“According to a Doctor at the hospital where the two died, the young woman was kidnapped by the “Birth Control Office” and taken to the hospital where she was forced to undergo an abortion procedure,” reported the Epoch Times.

“The young woman fought with staff to protect her unborn child however a half a dozen men, pushed her down on a bed and injected her with a drug to induce labor. After the young woman had a still birth, she developed a massive hemorrhage and soon thereafter died.”

This is the kind of tyrannical regime CNN is promoting under the veil of green fascism.

Policies introduced in the name of cutting CO2 emissions are already killing millions of people in the third world. The implementation of policies arising out of fraudulent fearmongering and biased studies on global warming is already devastating the third world, with a doubling in food prices as a result of the introduction of biofuels causing mass starvation and death.

CNN’s promotion of Communist one child policies arrives a month after the corporate news agency praised Mao’s great leap forward as “good for women”.

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 22, 2010

A major Anti-Defamation League report goes further than ever before in an effort to purge the Internet of all dissent, listing completely non-violent criticism of Obamacare posted on Internet forums as a reason to conduct a “major law enforcement operation” against opponents of big government and health care reform.

The ADL’s April 2010 report is entitled, “Violent Voices: Anti-Government Extremism Takes on New Intensity,” and consists largely of lists of comments culled from alternative news websites and forums, as well as Fox News.

“During the first few months of 2010, anti-government extremism has taken on a new level of intensity in the United States. The arrests of the Hutaree militia in Michigan illustrate this passion, which exists both within and outside the militia movement. Unfortunately, the Hutaree arrests may come to be seen not as the culmination, but rather as a first step in what may need to become a major national law enforcement operation,” states the introduction (emphasis mine).

Such words are chilling bearing in mind that the infamous MIAC report, which listed gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and people who fly U.S. flags alongside neo-nazis and terrorists, was partly based on information provided to the Missouri Information Analysis Center by both the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

According to the ADL, a “major law enforcement operation” may be needed because Americans are upset that “health care reform effort is in fact key to evil efforts to implement a tyrannical government by any means necessary.”

While some of the comments listed by the ADL do hint at or call for violence, the organization underhandedly mixes them in with people who are merely expressing their displeasure at the passage of health care, amnesty, or new taxes. The vast majority of comments listed in the report relating to health care have no hint of racism or violence whatsoever.

One of the “extremist” comments worthy of a “law enforcement operation” listed by the ADL reads as follows.

“The bill that passed has NOTHING to do with healthcare,” wrote “TXplt” on the Gun and Game Forums on March 22. Rather, “…it is used solely as a vehicle to push an agenda—to destroy what is working in our insurance industries, to increase our government intrusion into citizens’ lives…and to eventually act as a vehicle for our power hungry miscreants to attempt to dictate every aspect of our lives.”

Another example is then listed.

A poster called “stainless,” writing to the Assault Web forums on the same day, thought the situation even more dire. “I don’t think you quite understand the scope of this bill,” he wrote. “From now on the gov. has absolute control of our lives…They can now declare a health ‘Emergency’ and shut down any portion of our society they want at any time. I suspect we will begin to see the practical affects [sic] of this control fairly quickly.”

Indeed, most of the comments listed in regard to health care contain no violent threats whatsoever. Consider the following example, which was posted by one of our own Prison Planet Forum moderators.

“Have you read the bill? It is a full police state bill. Your body is now owned by the state. Your children are owned by the state. Your blood, sperm, ovaries, all reproductive methods are owned by the state. Your organs are owned by the state. This is a Nazi Eugenics bill with full bailout financing to the federal reserve front companies (big insurance).” Post by “Sane” to the Prison Planet Forums, March 22, 2010.

This is shocking – the ADL lists relatively mild comments which criticize Obama, immigration, or the health care bill, statements that contain no threats and not even a hint of violence, and lumps them in with death threats against the President as well as lawmakers, immediately after stating that a “major law enforcement operation” needs to be undertaken to shut these people up.

A “major law enforcement operation” needs to be set up to take on people who don’t like Obamacare and express their dissatisfaction on the Internet? More than half the entire country opposes health care reform. The Feds are going to be kept very busy raiding every two-bit Joe Blogger who comments on a news story if the ADL has its way.

Curiously, since it emerged that white supremacist radio host Hal Turner was paid handsomely by the FBI to make death threats against federal officials, the ADL and the SPLC have stop including him on their list of domestic extremists. It seems that it’s only kosher to call for violence if you’re being ordered to do so by federal authorities.

Likewise, making death threats against people who the ADL or the SPLC disagrees with is also seemingly OK. We found comments on the Southern Poverty Law Center website from SPLC supporters calling for Alex Jones to be executed for his political beliefs. The ADL didn’t see fit to include these comments in any of their reports, and the SPLC left them up there for four months, only removing them after we wrote a story about the issue.

For organizations like the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate is their business, and business is good. If there were no “domestic extremists” to dangle like bogeymen in front of the brainwashed public, the donations would dry up, and the lucrative government tie-ins would cease.

“The SPLC is in the money raising business for every known and unknown left-wing cause. It has gone from tracking the movements of violent racists, skinhead groups, and a brief resurgence of the KKK that number in the hundreds to creating hysteria over mainstream value voters,” writes Gary DeMar. “If you don’t agree with the SPLC leftist litmus test, then you are probably a member of a “hate group.” With its new definition of what constitutes a hate group, the SPLC has become a fund raising machine. It’s no wonder that the SPLC is flush with cash. Ultimately, the tactic is to strike fear in middle-America so the checks keep rolling in. Most communities don’t see skinheads or even KKKers, so the SPLC needs a tangible enemy.”

With so many Americans rightfully angered at the myriad of new taxes they face under Obamacare, not to mention new assaults in the pipeline – VAT taxes, carbon taxes, financial transaction taxes, the ADL has plenty of people at which to point who are upset and not afraid to show it.

But there’s a significant difference between being pissed off, angry at politicians, and wanting to protest or bitch about it, and being a domestic terrorist who wants to blow up federal buildings. Indeed, you probably need to be working for the FBI to have any interest in the latter. Also recall that the SPLC itself had operatives inside the Identity settlement in Elohim City, Oklahoma from where the OKC bombing plot had its origins.

“References to an informant working for the SPLC at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing raises serious questions as to what the SPLC might know about McVeigh’s activities during the final hours before the fuse was lit in Oklahoma City – but which the SPLC has failed to disclose publicly,” the Daily Gazette reported, citing a declassified FBI memo.

The SPLC and the ADL have deliberately blurred the lines between the right to voice one’s grievances under the First Amendment, and inciting violence or planning terror (for those few individuals who are not paid to do so by federal authorities).

Up until now the ADL and the SPLC have concentrated on making lists of political activists, you know, like the Nazis did, who they disagreed with and then seamlessly tying them in with federal patsies like Hal Turner or Timothy McVeigh in an attempt to chill free speech and prevent people from actually researching the information these undesirables were putting out.

But now the ADL has gone a step further in actually calling for law enforcement action against people who leave non-violent rants and comments on websites, the mask has now been removed and the openly fascist effort to purge the Internet of dissent by arresting Obamacare critics is now underway.

The Godfather USA

Gregory F. Fegel
April 19, 2010

To be an American citizen is very much like being the child of a wealthy and unscrupulous criminal ‘Godfather,’ who appears to be kind and generous to his own children at home, but is unflinchingly treacherous and murderous in conducting his family business, which is based on coercion, domination, exploitation, and violence. The average US citizen enjoys prosperity and relative freedom, but US prosperity derives in large part from the criminal exploitation of, and frequently the outright murder of, millions of innocent people in developing countries throughout the world. Most US citizens choose to remain in a perpetual state of denial regarding the criminal activities of their government, because they lack the courage and the character to learn and face the truth. An unquestioning acceptance of the values, motives, and goals of the US government by the majority of US citizens allows those citizens to be easily fooled and manipulated by the propaganda presented to them by the US government and by the US government-controlled ‘Mainstream Media.’

From early childhood, US citizens are raised on a steady diet of pro-US government propaganda that is fed to them at school and at home through the media of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and popular music. The propaganda presents the US government as an ethically superior exemplar of justice for the entire world, as an exceptionally generous contributor to global economic development, and as a benevolent arbiter of world affairs. Furthermore, a great deal of crucial information about US political history, particularly regarding events of the past half-century, is not taught in US schools and is never allowed to appear in the Mainstream Media outlets.

According to the US Census report of 1998, 12.7% of the US population lives in poverty, 15.7% lack health insurance, and at least 38% of the wealth in the USA is owned by just one percent of the US population. The personal wealth of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates exceeds that of the total combined wealth of the poorest 45% of US households, which amounts to at least 133 million people. The USA has the highest concentration of individual wealth in all of the industrialized nations, and about three times that of the second-placed nation for concentrated wealth, which is Germany. The USA also leads the world in the number of its citizens who are incarcerated in prisons: one out of seventy-five US males are in prison, of whom 68% belong to racial or ethnic minorities. As of 2003, 12% of the USA’s black males in their twenties were living in prison, compared to 3.7% of the USA’s Hispanic males and 1.6% of the USA’s white males.

The USA consumes about 25% of the world’s oil and natural resources, but compared to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the nations of Europe, the USA ranks 21st in the percentage of its Gross National Income that it gives as Official Development Assistance to developing countries.

The US government wants to act as the ‘world’s policeman,’ but the USA behaves like a corrupt cop, using its military might to coerce or to force other countries into cooperating with the USA’s economic and strategic interests.

The USA is a democracy in name only, because for the past forty years the US government has been dominated and controlled by a ruling elite of wealthy individuals and powerful corporations that carefully grooms and selects, based on the vested interests of that same wealthy elite, most of the candidates for federal office, including the Presidency. The wealthy ruling elite of the USA maintains their control over the US government through their enforcement apparatus, which includes all of the US government’s intelligence agencies, operating under the overall leadership of the Central Intelligence Agency.

In 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the creation of the Office of Strategic Services, which participated in both intelligence gathering and military activities for the Allies during World War Two. The OSS established several precedents, including the preferential recruitment of persons of wealth as agents, a thorough integration of the intelligence agency with various businesses, the utilization of known criminals as agents, and direct participation in drug smuggling as a means of fund-raising, that would continue within the CIA, which was created to replace the OSS shortly after the end of WW2.

The newly-formed CIA drew much of its membership from the ranks of the disbanded OSS, and the CIA continued the preferential recruitment of its agents from the wealthy upper class of US society, just as the OSS had done. The CIA has also integrated itself almost seamlessly with many international businesses, through hundreds of companies worldwide that act as CIA ‘assets.’ Just like a business, each individual regional foreign office, or Station, of the CIA is referred to within the Agency as an ‘account.’

The CIA was to be much, much more than an intelligence-gathering agency. The CIA was given the authority to initiate and conduct its own military operations, and also to establish fully-functioning businesses of whatever kind it chose, legal or illegal, throughout the world. Furthermore, the CIA was to be answerable only to the President and to the National Security Council. Those freedoms placed the CIA largely ‘outside the law,’ and prepared the way for the CIA’s eventual domination of the entire US government. The CIA-engineered assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963 was a military coup that effectively marked the death of real democracy in the USA.

Many people within the ranks of the CIA, the US military, and the US government resented President Kennedy because Kennedy refused to authorize direct US military support for the CIA’s 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion of Castro’s Cuba, support that might have prevented the Invasion’s costly failure. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy fired the top three men at the CIA: Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Cabell, whose brother was the mayor of Dallas, Texas, where Kennedy was later to be assassinated. Kennedy also announced his intention to withdraw US forces from South Viet Nam, which was another one of the CIA’s pet projects. After Kennedy’s assassination, his successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, met with the US military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff at the White House, where Johnson made his first Presidential decision: to escalate the involvement of US troops in the Viet Nam War.

In 1977 the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that a lone gunman did not kill President Kennedy, but instead that Kennedy was shot by at least two snipers, one of whom delivered the final, fatal shot to Kennedy’s right temple from the famous ‘grassy knoll’ in Dealey Plaza. Marita Lorenz testified to the HSCA that in November 1963 she had accompanied CIA agent Frank Sturgis, Lee Harvey Oswald, and a couple of Cuban immigrants with a small arsenal of firearms on a road trip from Miami, Florida to Dallas, Texas, where they met with CIA agent E. Howard Hunt and Jack Ruby at a Dallas motel. In 1994 James Files (also known as James Sutton) confessed that he had served with a team of snipers working under orders from US government agents to assassinate Kennedy, and that he personally had fired the fatal head shot that killed Kennedy from a hidden position behind a fence on the grassy knoll.

In addition to the assassination of President Kennedy, there is considerable evidence of CIA and/or FBI involvement in the political assassinations of Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Robert F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr., and others.

In support of the success of the USA’s international business interests, the CIA has subverted and disrupted the democratic process in Italy, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, Haiti, Ecuador, Zaire, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Cambodia, Bolivia, Australia, Angola, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and many other countries. Using propaganda, rigged elections, extortion, blackmail, sabotage, assassination, death squads, and torture, the CIA has deposed democratically-elected leaders and governments throughout the world and replaced them with ruthless right-wing dictators who were more accommodating to US business interests.

Saddam Hussein was twenty-two years old when he was hired by the CIA to serve on a six-man team that tried to assassinate Iraq’s Prime Minister Qasim, who had stated his intention to nationalize Iraq’s oil industry and to decriminalize Iraq’s Communist Party. When the assassination attempt failed, Saddam escaped to Egypt, where he remained in frequent contact with the US Embassy and the CIA. In 1963, after Baath Party agents, supported by the CIA, succeeded in killing Qasim, Saddam returned to Iraq. In 1980 Iraq attacked Iran, starting the Iran/Iraq War, during which the USA openly sold arms and provided logistic support to Iraq, while the CIA secretly sold arms to Iran, using Israel as a go-between. More than one million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers were killed in the Iran/Iraq War, which also took a heavy economic toll on both countries. The Iran/Iraq War, one of the longest and deadliest wars of the 20th Century, served the purpose of weakening and punishing two of the USA’s major rivals for the control of the Middle East and its massive oil reserves.

On July 29th, 1991 the US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, met with Saddam Hussein at his Presidential Palace in Baghdad, where Glaspie assured Saddam that the USA would not interfere or intervene if Iraq invaded Kuwait, which many Iraqis considered to historically be a part of Iraq. Four days later the Iraqi Army invaded and occupied Kuwait. In January and February of 1991 a US-led military coalition representing the United Nations assaulted the Iraqi forces in Kuwait, and in the desert borderland of northern Kuwait and southern Iraq the US-led force slaughtered more than 100,000 Iraqi troops with only minimal losses to the coalition forces.

Osama bin Laden is another ‘enemy’ of the USA who began his career as a CIA ‘asset,’ brokering the exchange of arms and heroin between the Afghani Mujahideen and the CIA during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. During the 1990s bin Laden provided financial support and recruited fighters for the Kosovo Liberation Army, an organization that smuggles heroin and cocaine into Europe. The KLA also receives protection and support from the CIA and the US government.

The CIA has participated in a major and an ongoing way in international drug smuggling, using its own private airline called “Air America” to bring heroin and marijuana out of Southeast Asia during the Viet Nam War, bringing cocaine into the USA as part of the illegal Iran-Contra operation during the 1980s, and now, once again, smuggling heroin out of Afghanistan. The CIA currently utilizes several airfreight companies that pose as Christian charities to ferry cocaine from Latin America into the USA and heroin from Afghanistan into Europe and the USA.

Beginning in the late 1940s with Operation Mockingbird, the CIA infiltrated all of the major media outlets in the USA, by forming alliances with publishers and media moguls, and by hiring hundreds of journalists to work as CIA stringers and propagandists. Today the major media outlets in the USA are owned and controlled by a very limited number of wealthy individuals and corporations, and the USA’s Mainstream Media presents a uniformly biased version of national and international news, full of lies and omissions, that conforms closely to the US government’s own dogma and propaganda.

The CIA and the FBI also infiltrated the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 70s in an attempt to derail those movements and discredit their leaders.

In his famous Farewell Speech of 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned US citizens against the growing power of what he called the Military/Industrial Complex, an unholy alliance of big business and the military which Eisenhower said was already well on its way to subverting the ideals and the principles of US democracy. Today, fifty per cent of the annual budget of the US government is spent on the military and the military debt. The many industries that support the US military are dependent on the US government’s pursuit of a continual state of warfare, as now exemplified by the USA’s manufactured, never-ending “War on Terrorism.” War is essentially a business, and the essential business of the USA is war.

Prescott Bush, the father of the USA’s 41st President and grandfather of the USA’s current, 43rd President, served as a US Naval Intelligence officer during World War One. After the war, Prescott Bush worked for the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank of New York, which bankrolled the Nazi rise to power in Germany from 1920 to 1942, when the US government finally ordered the BBH Bank to cease its illegal financial support for the rearmament of Germany. Like his Nazi clients and friends, Prescott Bush was an active white supremacist who hosted, along with his friend George Walker, another ancestor of ex-President George Herbert Bush and President George Walker Bush, the Third International Congress of Eugenics in New York City in 1932.

The young Richard Nixon was a protégé of Prescott Bush, and after WW2 Nixon worked with Project Paperclip to bring hundreds of Nazi scientists and industrialists into the USA. Nixon was also Senator Joseph McCarthy’s partner in the famous Red-baiting ‘witch hunts’ of the House Committee on Un-American Activities during the early 1950s. Nixon authorized the infamous Watergate burglary, in which the burglars and their associates included CIA agents Frank Sturgis, Bernard L. Barker, and E. Howard Hunt, who were assisted by Cuban exiles with CIA connections. All of them had been associated with the Bay of Pigs Invasion or the Kennedy assassination, or with both.

Prescott Bush’s son, George Herbert Bush, owned the Zapata Oil Company, which included an island 30 miles from Cuba that served as the staging area for the CIA’s “Operation Zapata” in 1961, which became known afterward as the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. Although he denies being there, George H. Bush was photographed standing in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository just after President Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas on November 23rd, 1963. A declassified document from the office of former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover which is dated November 29th, 1963 mentions “George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency.” George H. Bush was named Director of the CIA in 1976, although he denied having ever served the CIA in any capacity. During his term as Director of the CIA, Bush gave exclusive private briefings on the future of the world energy market to the executives of Brown Brothers Harriman Bank and to the board of directors of the Chase Manhattan Bank, which was obviously an act of conflict of interest.

False-flag bombings and murders are a common tactic of the intelligence agencies of Britain, Israel, Russia, and the USA. Members of British intelligence participated in some of the murders and bombings that were committed by the Irish Republican Army. In the famous Lavon affair of 1954, Israeli Terrorists bombed several buildings in Egypt, but one of the bombs went off prematurely and an Israeli bomber was captured, which led to the arrest of an Israeli spy ring. Abu Nidal was an agent-provocateur who assisted the Israeli Mossad by organizing hijackings and Terrorist attacks in order to foster the illusion of international Arab Terrorism. In 1999 Moscow police caught members of the Russian FSB planting bombs in an apartment building in an attempt to enflame sentiment against the rebel Chechens.

Stoking the fires of war in support of the USA’s Military/Industrial Complex is a primary function of the CIA, which has worked cooperatively with the British, Israeli, and other governments to create the bogeyman of an ‘Islamic Terrorist threat.’ A 1998 German public television documentary revealed that some of the main suspects in the Berlin disco bombing of 1986 had been working for the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. According to federal court records, FBI agent-provocateurs organized and allowed the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center to proceed. There is also considerable evidence indicating that FBI and ATF agents participated in the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

The attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/2001; the anthrax letter attacks against two US Congressmen in October, 2001; the Spanish railway bombings in March, 2004; the London subway bombings in July, 2005; and the Bali bombings of October, 2002 and October, 2005 all show evidence of having been perpetrated by the USA and its allies, who are intent on generating animosity against the Islamic world.

The US government’s 9/11 false-flag attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon involved a coordinated effort by the CIA, the White House, the NSA, the FBI, NORAD, the Pentagon, and other federal agencies, along with the ongoing complicity of the USA’s major media outlets. The Israeli Mossad was also a likely accomplice to the 9/11 attacks, as indicated by evidence that demonstrates Israeli foreknowledge of those attacks. Since 9/11, the USA’s intelligence agencies have been further integrated under the overall leadership of the CIA, another step toward the formation of a monolithic US secret police with a global reach. Recently the arrest and ‘rendition’ by the CIA of so-called ‘Terrorist suspects’ throughout the world to undisclosed locations, often against the protests of the nations where the arrests take place, show us that not only does the USA fancy itself to be the ‘world’s policeman,’ but the CIA also wants to be the ‘world’s secret police.’

Many US citizens who oppose the aggressive right-wing domestic and foreign policies of President George Walker Bush and the Republican Party still have a naïve faith that the opposition Democrat Party will ‘turn the country around’ with a return to more Liberal policies if the Democrats are voted back into office. However, the ruling elite of the USA controls both of the major US political parties, which it manipulates like a pair of hand puppets. The Harriman Bank heiress, Pamela Harriman, was the chief contributor to the Democrat Party for thirty years, until her death in 2001. Pamela Harriman bankrolled the two Presidential campaigns of Democrat William Jefferson Clinton, who supported the CIA’s Iran/Contra drugs and arms smuggling through the airport at Mena, Arkansas while he was Governor of that State. During the 2004 Presidential election, the candidates of both major political parties were both the wealthy sons of CIA men, both graduates of Yale, both members of Yale’s secretive and elitist Skull and Bones Club, and both espoused a belief in the USA’s manufactured threat of ‘global Islamic Terrorism.’

The USA has all the ingredients of fascism: an intimate marriage of government, big business, and the military, in which the national media exclusively disseminates government-approved propaganda, and a ruthless, extra-legal and international secret police that enforces the policies of the ruling elite. Fascism in the USA is an accomplished fact, and it has been for the past forty years.

What can US citizens do to change the situation? Not much, short of revolution, because the entire US government and both of the two major US political parties are irredeemably corrupt. To bring about meaningful reform, the USA would need to abolish the CIA, require a full vote of Congress for any overseas military activity, restrict foreign aid to democracies with a proven human rights record, and eliminate financial contributions to politicians and their causes from lobbyists.

But fantasies of political reform are for dreamers, because corruption is the way of the world. For their own personal good, concerned citizens should study the secret history of the USA, and share that knowledge with those who will listen. And if they are ethical they should avoid, in every way possible, supporting the US government.