June 4, 2010
Don’t be fooled by the slick charismatic puppet that can charm the back legs off a donkey, Obama is not who he claims to be, watch this video and the picture will become more clear. For those of you who voted for the pimp, do not blame yourself, you can make real change from here on out.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Is Petraeus McChrystal’s Replacement or Obama’s?
Paul Craig Roberts
June 25, 2010
Our petulant president’s ego can’t handle a general letting off steam. Neither can any of the spoiled children who comprise “our” government in DC, the capital of the “superpower.”
All of this drama is playing out despite the continuing lack of any valid reason for the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Generals have to fight wars that civilians start, either from the incompetence of their diplomacy or the arrogance of their hubris. Generals have to get young troops killed because of the stupidity or ambition or corruption of civilian government officials.
All McChrystal did was to let off steam. A real president would have realized that and let it go.
Don’t get me wrong. McChrystal is a militarist, and I am pleased to see him gone.
However, McChrystal didn’t restart America’s aggression against Afghanistan. Obama did.
People elected Obama, because they were tired of Bush’s wars based on lies. So Obama gave us a new war in Pakistan and reignited the Afghan war. No one knows what these wars are about or why the bankrupt US government is wasting vast sums of money, which it has to borrow from foreigners, in order to murder the citizenry in two countries that have never done anything to us.
Just as Bush/Cheney and their criminal neocon government deceived the world that Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” that threatened white people everywhere, Obama has conflated the Taliban with al Qaeda. Obama has sold the tale to white countries that unless the US determines how Afghanistan is ruled and by whom, white people are in danger of being exterminated by al Qaeda Taliban terrorists.
The most telling aspect of the McChrystal-Obama contretemps is that it has caused no one in the US government, or media, to ask why the US is still killing women and children in Afghanistan after 9 years. The US government is prepared for everyone except itself to be tried at the War Crimes Tribunal.
Fred Branfman writing in AlterNet on June 22 reminds us that unnumbered Iraqis were killed, maimed, tortured and displaced by an American invasion based on lies told by the highest officials in the American government. Yet, no one has been held accountable.
But Gen. McChrystal is held accountable for letting off steam.
Once the Roman senate, the legislative branch, collapsed, the caesars, the executive branch, became the captives of the military. Now with Gen. Petraeus once again moved to the fore as McChrystal’s replacement in Afghanistan, we have Obama elevating Petraeus to the Republican presidential nomination in the next election. Thus has Obama replaced himself with a man who will unify the military and executive branch.
Associated Press writers Jennifer Loven and Anne Gearan write (June 23) about the “admired and tightly disciplined Gen. David Petraeus,” the “architect of the Iraq war turnaround,” who is “once again to take hands-on leadership of a troubled war effort.”
Petraeus is an evolved form of general. He “won” in Iraq by paying protection money to the Sunnis who were effectively resisting the US occupation. Petraeus figured out that it was far cheaper and more efficient to put the Sunnis on the US military payroll and to pay them to stop fighting, which is how the war between the Sunnis and the Americans ended. To keep the Americans out of the ongoing large scale sectarian violence that continues to slaughter Iraqis, the US military was confined to remote bases.
If history is a guide, the Afghans will also accept Petraeus’ protection money, and Petraeus has just enough time to buy the Afghan war before the next presidential election.
The Afghans will, of course, take the money and wait us out, just as the Iraqis are doing.
All of this drama is playing out despite the continuing lack of any valid reason for the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Washington idiots, trying to dictate how Iraq and Afghanistan are governed, are destroying constitutional government in the United States. In our hubris to determine how Iraq and Afghanistan are ruled, we are losing our own government.
June 25, 2010
Our petulant president’s ego can’t handle a general letting off steam. Neither can any of the spoiled children who comprise “our” government in DC, the capital of the “superpower.”
All of this drama is playing out despite the continuing lack of any valid reason for the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Generals have to fight wars that civilians start, either from the incompetence of their diplomacy or the arrogance of their hubris. Generals have to get young troops killed because of the stupidity or ambition or corruption of civilian government officials.
All McChrystal did was to let off steam. A real president would have realized that and let it go.
Don’t get me wrong. McChrystal is a militarist, and I am pleased to see him gone.
However, McChrystal didn’t restart America’s aggression against Afghanistan. Obama did.
People elected Obama, because they were tired of Bush’s wars based on lies. So Obama gave us a new war in Pakistan and reignited the Afghan war. No one knows what these wars are about or why the bankrupt US government is wasting vast sums of money, which it has to borrow from foreigners, in order to murder the citizenry in two countries that have never done anything to us.
Just as Bush/Cheney and their criminal neocon government deceived the world that Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” that threatened white people everywhere, Obama has conflated the Taliban with al Qaeda. Obama has sold the tale to white countries that unless the US determines how Afghanistan is ruled and by whom, white people are in danger of being exterminated by al Qaeda Taliban terrorists.
The most telling aspect of the McChrystal-Obama contretemps is that it has caused no one in the US government, or media, to ask why the US is still killing women and children in Afghanistan after 9 years. The US government is prepared for everyone except itself to be tried at the War Crimes Tribunal.
Fred Branfman writing in AlterNet on June 22 reminds us that unnumbered Iraqis were killed, maimed, tortured and displaced by an American invasion based on lies told by the highest officials in the American government. Yet, no one has been held accountable.
But Gen. McChrystal is held accountable for letting off steam.
Once the Roman senate, the legislative branch, collapsed, the caesars, the executive branch, became the captives of the military. Now with Gen. Petraeus once again moved to the fore as McChrystal’s replacement in Afghanistan, we have Obama elevating Petraeus to the Republican presidential nomination in the next election. Thus has Obama replaced himself with a man who will unify the military and executive branch.
Associated Press writers Jennifer Loven and Anne Gearan write (June 23) about the “admired and tightly disciplined Gen. David Petraeus,” the “architect of the Iraq war turnaround,” who is “once again to take hands-on leadership of a troubled war effort.”
Petraeus is an evolved form of general. He “won” in Iraq by paying protection money to the Sunnis who were effectively resisting the US occupation. Petraeus figured out that it was far cheaper and more efficient to put the Sunnis on the US military payroll and to pay them to stop fighting, which is how the war between the Sunnis and the Americans ended. To keep the Americans out of the ongoing large scale sectarian violence that continues to slaughter Iraqis, the US military was confined to remote bases.
If history is a guide, the Afghans will also accept Petraeus’ protection money, and Petraeus has just enough time to buy the Afghan war before the next presidential election.
The Afghans will, of course, take the money and wait us out, just as the Iraqis are doing.
All of this drama is playing out despite the continuing lack of any valid reason for the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Washington idiots, trying to dictate how Iraq and Afghanistan are governed, are destroying constitutional government in the United States. In our hubris to determine how Iraq and Afghanistan are ruled, we are losing our own government.
The Real Truth About BP and What is Happening in the Gulf
Kurt Nimmo
June 26, 2010
BP is engaged in criminal negligence. It only pretends to clean-up its mess when government officials arrive for photo-ops. BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama.
BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg told reporters earlier this month: “I hear comments sometimes that large oil companies are greedy companies or don’t care, but that is not the case with BP. We care about the small people.”
Small people. Expendable people. Kendra Arnesan, who was quoted on pbs newshour, and who video was taken down from youtube at the time of the posting of this article, stated what is really happening in Louisiana. BP, Obama, and Congress — all beholden to large corporations and bankers — are sacrificing thousand of people and keeping it hidden.
The corporate media talks about Florida’s beaches and lost tourism money. They talk about the marine animals covered in oil but not the children who are coming down with respiratory problems from toxic gases blowing in from the Gulf.
Idiots on Fox and CNN trade barbs back and forth about Obama’s lack of leadership. It’s the Democrats say the Republicans. It’s the Republicans say the Democrats. Fingers get pointed while oil washes up in the salt marshes and deadly chemicals rain down on crops in Mississippi. People are beginning to talk about a new disease… Gulf of Mexico Syndrome.
“The petro-chemical-military-industrial complex is gassing Gulf Coast residents with poisonous Benzene and Corexit dispersant at dangerously high levels in the largest U.S. domestic military operation to date,” writes Deborah Dupré. “Human suffering in the Gulf is increasing from the world’s latest and largest toxic oil kill as BP lies and government remains silent about human health risks and associated military interventions. Most immediately damaging of the operation’s withheld information pertains to toxins breathed since the explosion.”
Near the end of the above video Kindra Arnesen talks about what toxins are doing to her children. Her story is likely not an isolated incident. Lots of children and old people with respiratory ailments are having problems with the air in Louisiana (and soon other Gulf states and Florida). The media is just not telling us about it. The media is owned by large corporations. The corporate media’s job is to distract with mindless fluff and cover up the crimes of the corporatists.
If this continues much longer the military will be called in — not to evacuate people but to contain angry people who will ultimately organize and take things into their own hands. Violence and revenge cannot be ruled out.
Can you blame them? Wouldn’t you do the same thing if BP destroyed your livelihood and poisoned your children?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Toronto Transformed Into Locked Down Police State
Sweeping police powers with no limits, military style checkpoints, LRAD sound cannons, huge makeshift prisons and a taxpayer bill of $1 billion
Steve Watson
Friday, Jun 25th, 2010
Downtown Toronto has been transformed into a police state ahead of the G8 and G20 conferences, with police given unprecedented powers to to arrest anyone near the security zone who refuses to identify themselves or agree to a police search.
The Toronto Star reports:
“The regulation was made under Ontario’s Public Works Protection Act and was not debated in the Legislature. According to a provincial spokesperson, the cabinet action came in response to an ‘extraordinary request’ by Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, who wanted additional policing powers shortly after learning the G20 was coming to Toronto.”
The regulation gives the police authority to question anybody entering the restricted zone from June 14 until June 28, the day after the summits are scheduled to end. As Adam Radwanski of The Globe and Mail reports, there are no limits to police powers during the summit, and no clear legal precedent specifying what they can and can’t do. reports that there has been an increase in tension in the security zone as police are stopping and searching hundreds of protesters. “If you’re in that zone you’re going to be challenged,” Const. Tim Garland, spokesperson for the Integrated Security Unit told
Some reports even detail incidents of police randomly stopping people outside the security perimeters who are not even protesters and are merely going about their business.
As our earlier report detailed, Charlie Veitch of the popular London based activist group The Love Police was arrested yesterday in Toronto under the new extraordinary powers for refusing to identify himself.
Police have been preparing for the lockdown for months now. An unprecedented show of force will see up to 20,000 uniformed officers, along with a 1,000 private security guards deployed, as well as Canadian military forces. The security costs are expected to cost the Canadian government (taxpayers) hundreds of millions of dollars, with some estimating the bill will stretch beyond one billion dollars
Security measures include two large perimeters, walled in with huge 3 meter high fences, with Toronto police in charge of the outer zone and the RCMP in charge of the inner zone. Anyone entering the inner perimeter, where the Metro Convention Centre is located, will be processed through five levels of airport style security screening.
Various checkpoints throughout Toronto have been outfitted with “Magnetometers,” “walk-through metal detectors,” “X-Ray belt driven scanners” and “hand-held metal detectors.”
Residents and workers in the area have been made to register with the authorities to get access to their homes and businesses during the meeting.
The Canadian Forces plans are described as “large-scale operational planning, land and air surveillance, underwater safety and security for the venues and some logistic and ceremonial functions. Support also includes drawing on the CF’s ongoing partnership in the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD).”
Protesters will also be subject to designated free speech zones. If they breach these zones they will be forced to move or be arrested.
Police will be using a massive movie studio as a temporary jail. The building is roughly five kilometres from the Convention Centre, outside the two security zones. The plan echoes tactics employed in the U.S. at recent DNC and RNC Conventions, where thousands of protesters were indiscriminately rounded up and kept for up to several hours in temporary prisons.
Police have also been cleared to employ Long Range Acoustic Devices otherwise known as sound cannons.
Civil liberties advocates and activists had requested that a court impose an injunction to prevent police from using the ear-piercing devices, which were used by police and the National Guard to break up protests at last year’s meeting in Pittsburgh.
However, the Ontario Superior Court ruled that the devices could be used after police argued they were essential equipment.
In related news, Infowars reporter Luke Rudkowski and fellow activists have been denied access into Canada altogether.
In a telephone interview with, Luke said he was detained for nearly five hours by Homeland Security and Canadian Customs police on the border in Buffalo, New York. Agents went through his car and laptop looking for anything to arrest and detain the activists. After the Canadians denied Luke, Kelly, and Matt entry into the country, Homeland Security on the American side of the border questioned them once again
Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 25, 2010
President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday and now moves to the floor.
The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman, would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency.
Despite the Center for Democracy and Technology and 23 other privacy and technology organizations sending letters to Lieberman and other backers of the bill expressing concerns that the legislation could be used to stifle free speech, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed in the bill in advance of a vote on the Senate floor.
In response to widespread criticism of the bill, language was added that would force the government to seek congressional approval to extend emergency measures beyond 120 days. Still, this would hand Obama the authority to shut down the Internet on a whim without Congressional oversight or approval for a period of no less than four months.
The Senators pushing the bill rejected the claim that the bill was a ‘kill switch’ for the Internet, not by denying that Obama would be given the authority to shut down the Internet as part of this legislation, but by arguing that he already had the power to do so.
They argued “That the President already had authority under the Communications Act to “cause the closing of any facility or station for wire communication” when there is a “state or threat of war”, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.
Fears that the legislation is aimed at bringing the Internet under the regulatory power of the U.S. government in an offensive against free speech were heightened further on Sunday, when Lieberman revealed that the plan was to mimic China’s policies of policing the web with censorship and coercion.
“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” Lieberman told CNN’s Candy Crowley.
While media and public attention is overwhelmingly focused on the BP oil spill, the establishment is quietly preparing the framework that will allow Obama, or indeed any President who follows him, to bring down a technological iron curtain that will give the government a foot in the door on seizing complete control over the Internet.
As we have illustrated, fears surrounding cybersecurity have been hyped to mask the real agenda behind the bill, which is to strangle the runaway growth of alternative and independent media outlets which are exposing government atrocities, cover-ups and cronyism like never before.
Indeed, China uses similar rhetoric about the need to maintain “security” and combating cyber warfare by regulating the web, when in reality their entire program is focused around silencing anyone who criticizes the state.
The real agenda behind government control of the Internet has always been to strangle and suffocate independent media outlets who are now competing with and even displacing establishment press organs, with websites like the Drudge Report now attracting more traffic than many large newspapers combined. As part of this war against independent media, the FTC recently proposing a “Drudge Tax” that would force independent media organizations to pay fees that would be used to fund mainstream newspapers
County Supervisor Doesn’t Know Arizona Borders Mexico but Supports Boycott
June 25, 2010
Democrat County Supervisor Peggy West of Milwaukee is proud to be the “first Latino/Hispanic American to be elected to the Milwaukee County Board”. During the debate on a measure boycotting the state of Arizona she asserts an uneasy knowledge of US geography.
June 25, 2010
Democrat County Supervisor Peggy West of Milwaukee is proud to be the “first Latino/Hispanic American to be elected to the Milwaukee County Board”. During the debate on a measure boycotting the state of Arizona she asserts an uneasy knowledge of US geography.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Meaning of “Austerity”
“Austerity” is one of those Orwellian terms that has been injected into our political discourse precisely because it is a nice-sounding word for a very painful reality. “Austerity” implies discipline, self-restraint, even nobility. “Austerity” is prudent. “Austerity” is modest. “Austerity” is a virtue. It is an end in itself.
If the IMF or the European Central Bank come to the people of a collapsing European nation and tell them to sacrifice their pensions and their savings and their very standard of living all for a debt that their government has fraudulently racked up in their name, no one would go for it, and rightly so.
But tell those same people that they need to implement “austerity measures” in order to “get back on their feet” economically, and many will be willing to live in the harshest of conditions, content to put up with the dismantling of their nation itself in the vain hope that by giving more power to the international financial institutions they can somehow avoid economic collapse
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
NYC Cop Beats War Veteran Senseless
The video taken from security cameras shows the 45-year-old housing cop beating an Iraq war veteran with is baton.
It happened at an Upper West Side public housing development. The victim, 28-year-old Walter Harvin had just returned from Iraq and was at his mom’s apartment complex.
The video is high quality and crystal clear that Housing Officer David London led an unprovoke attack on the Iraqi war veteran. Even beating the ex-soldier after he’s cuffed.
The officer is charged with 2nd degree assault and filing false records. Prosecutors say London tried to cover-up the July 2007 assault by lying on official documents.Right now the Manhattan criminal jury is tackling the question on whether London committed an act of police brutality or used necessary force to subdue a suspect.
The Iraq veteran suffers from PTSD. If the officer is convicted, he faces 7 years in prison.
It happened at an Upper West Side public housing development. The victim, 28-year-old Walter Harvin had just returned from Iraq and was at his mom’s apartment complex.
The video is high quality and crystal clear that Housing Officer David London led an unprovoke attack on the Iraqi war veteran. Even beating the ex-soldier after he’s cuffed.
The officer is charged with 2nd degree assault and filing false records. Prosecutors say London tried to cover-up the July 2007 assault by lying on official documents.Right now the Manhattan criminal jury is tackling the question on whether London committed an act of police brutality or used necessary force to subdue a suspect.
The Iraq veteran suffers from PTSD. If the officer is convicted, he faces 7 years in prison.
General McChrystal’s Burning Contempt for the Puppet Obama
Kurt Nimmo
June 22, 2010
The farce that is the war in Afghanistan is coming apart at the seams. General Stanley McChrystal’s sharp comments about Obama, Biden, and the administration published by Rolling Stone are not so much about disrespect, as the script-reading corporate media talking heads would have it, but rather about a policy in disarray in Afghanistan.
Obama the wunderbar teleprompter reader (and little else) is instructed to push the completely untenable prospect that the United States can win the so-called war in Afghanistan, a country often referred to as the graveyard of empires. The British, the Russians, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan either fell to the Afghans or made painful concessions. The British suffered one of their greatest military defeats in the Khyber. 16,500 British soldiers and civilians, retreating after defeat in Kabul, were slaughtered by the Afghans. One person was spared to tell the story.
The establishment knows it cannot “win” in Afghanistan and the claim the U.S. military is there to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda is nothing but transparent propaganda.
Afghanistan is a black hole sucking up men and machinery for the sake of death merchant profiteers. It is valuable real estate to be held — not conquered — real estate where opium grows for the sake of CIA off-the-books operating capital funding covert wars against enemies of the global elite. The fantastic profits earned from opium also flood the coffers of the masters of the casino economy on Wall Street. As Catherine Austin Fiits has documented, without this influx of laundered underground and illicit money Wall Street would have collapsed long ago.
After the so-called Afghanistan assessment was supposedly leaked to the CIA’s favorite newspaper last year — the report recommended in Pentagon-speak securing the population, aiding in providing good governance, building and mentoring the Afghan security forces — McChrystal threatened to resign if he was not provided with resources to accomplish the mission.
In other words, McChrystal said he needs more troops, something our rulers will not do. Not because it is politically unpopular, but because the mission in Afghanistan is not to win. The unstated mission is to chew up men, resources, and a lot of money loaned out by international banksters. The mission is to keep an unwinnable conflict on low heat indefinitely, or at least until the United States collapses from the crushing debt burden.
McChrystal made his opinion about the corporatization of the “war” known in April when he criticized the use of private-sector contractors. “I actually think we would be better to reduce the number of contractors involved.” He suggested increasing the number of troops “if necessary,” or “using a greater number of Afghan contractors, or Afghans to help with the mission,” according to the Boston Globe.
Instead of acting as the CEO of a floundering occupation designed to last forever, McChrystal hinted he would resign. “Three officers at the Pentagon and in Kabul told McClatchy that the McChrystal they know would resign before he’d stand behind a faltering policy that he thought would endanger his forces or the strategy,” it was reported last September.
Now McChrystal and his boys are making sarcastic and derogatory — even adolescent — remarks about Obama and Biden in the presence of Rolling Stone journalists. McChrystal realizes this behavior will likely result in his forced resignation. He has obviously arrived at a decision to publicly express his contempt for Obama and the administration.
Contempt for the Chicago Mafia errand boy and accomplished teleprompter reader is now a popular sport not only in Washington but around the country. He will likely go down as the most reviled puppet of the ruling elite in modern history.
Another marionette awaits behind the curtain.
June 22, 2010
The farce that is the war in Afghanistan is coming apart at the seams. General Stanley McChrystal’s sharp comments about Obama, Biden, and the administration published by Rolling Stone are not so much about disrespect, as the script-reading corporate media talking heads would have it, but rather about a policy in disarray in Afghanistan.
Obama the wunderbar teleprompter reader (and little else) is instructed to push the completely untenable prospect that the United States can win the so-called war in Afghanistan, a country often referred to as the graveyard of empires. The British, the Russians, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan either fell to the Afghans or made painful concessions. The British suffered one of their greatest military defeats in the Khyber. 16,500 British soldiers and civilians, retreating after defeat in Kabul, were slaughtered by the Afghans. One person was spared to tell the story.
The establishment knows it cannot “win” in Afghanistan and the claim the U.S. military is there to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda is nothing but transparent propaganda.
Afghanistan is a black hole sucking up men and machinery for the sake of death merchant profiteers. It is valuable real estate to be held — not conquered — real estate where opium grows for the sake of CIA off-the-books operating capital funding covert wars against enemies of the global elite. The fantastic profits earned from opium also flood the coffers of the masters of the casino economy on Wall Street. As Catherine Austin Fiits has documented, without this influx of laundered underground and illicit money Wall Street would have collapsed long ago.
After the so-called Afghanistan assessment was supposedly leaked to the CIA’s favorite newspaper last year — the report recommended in Pentagon-speak securing the population, aiding in providing good governance, building and mentoring the Afghan security forces — McChrystal threatened to resign if he was not provided with resources to accomplish the mission.
In other words, McChrystal said he needs more troops, something our rulers will not do. Not because it is politically unpopular, but because the mission in Afghanistan is not to win. The unstated mission is to chew up men, resources, and a lot of money loaned out by international banksters. The mission is to keep an unwinnable conflict on low heat indefinitely, or at least until the United States collapses from the crushing debt burden.
McChrystal made his opinion about the corporatization of the “war” known in April when he criticized the use of private-sector contractors. “I actually think we would be better to reduce the number of contractors involved.” He suggested increasing the number of troops “if necessary,” or “using a greater number of Afghan contractors, or Afghans to help with the mission,” according to the Boston Globe.
Instead of acting as the CEO of a floundering occupation designed to last forever, McChrystal hinted he would resign. “Three officers at the Pentagon and in Kabul told McClatchy that the McChrystal they know would resign before he’d stand behind a faltering policy that he thought would endanger his forces or the strategy,” it was reported last September.
Now McChrystal and his boys are making sarcastic and derogatory — even adolescent — remarks about Obama and Biden in the presence of Rolling Stone journalists. McChrystal realizes this behavior will likely result in his forced resignation. He has obviously arrived at a decision to publicly express his contempt for Obama and the administration.
Contempt for the Chicago Mafia errand boy and accomplished teleprompter reader is now a popular sport not only in Washington but around the country. He will likely go down as the most reviled puppet of the ruling elite in modern history.
Another marionette awaits behind the curtain.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Amid crises, Obama declares war — on Arizona
Byron York
Washington Examiner
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Obama administration has a lot of fights on its hands. Putting aside real wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, there’s the battle against leaking oil in the Gulf, the struggle against 9.7 percent unemployment across the country, and clashes over the president’s agenda on Capitol Hill. Despite all that, the White House has found time to issue a new declaration of war, this time against an unlikely enemy: the state of Arizona.
The Justice Department is preparing to sue Arizona over its new immigration law. The president has stiffed Gov. Jan Brewer’s call for meaningful assistance in efforts to secure the border. And the White House has accused Arizona’s junior senator, Republican Jon Kyl, of lying about an Oval Office discussion with the president over comprehensive immigration reform. Put them all together, and you have an ugly state of affairs that’s getting uglier by the day.
First, the lawsuit. Last week, Brewer was appalled to learn the Justice Department’s intentions not from the Justice Department but from an interview done by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with an Ecuadorian TV outlet. “It would seem to me that if they were going to file suit against us,” Brewer told Fox News’ Greta van Susteren last week, “they definitely would have contacted us first and informed us before they informed citizens … of another nation.”
But they didn’t.
“There certainly seems to be an underlying disrespect for the state of Arizona,” says Kris Kobach, the law professor and former Bush administration Justice Department official who helped draft the Arizona law. Kobach points out that during the Bush years, several states openly flouted federal immigration law on issues like sanctuary cities and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Respecting the doctrines of comity and federalism, the Bush administration didn’t sue. Now, when Arizona passes a measure that is fully consistent with federal law, the Obama administration, says Kobach, “goes sprinting to the courthouse door.”
Then there is the matter of the White House’s assistance, or nonassistance, in Arizona’s border-security efforts. On June 3, the president, under criticism for refusing to meet or even talk to Brewer, reluctantly granted her an audience in the Oval Office. After the meeting, Brewer told reporters Obama pledged that administration officials would come to Arizona within two weeks with details of plans to secure the border.
MSNBC Host Admits To Parroting White House Talking Points
Brzezinski reads from file of Obama instructions on BP oil spill
Steve Watson
Monday, Jun 21st, 2010
MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski admitted on air this morning that she was repeating White House talking points she had been advised to include in the channel’s news programming regarding the ongoing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Morning Joe co-host was repeatedly seen looking down and carefully studying written notes as she engaged in a debate with former GE CEO Jack Welch, an outspoken critic of the government’s reaction to the disaster.
In response to each portion of Welch’s analysis, Brzezinski poured over the notes and read allowed from the script in front of her, defending the government’s response.
When it became blatantly obvious what Brzezinski was doing, Joe Scarborough jumped in:
“you keep reading these… you keep reading these… these…”
“White House talking points.” said Brzezinski, finishing his sentence.
“You keep reading these talking points,” Scarborough continued, “but there is no evidence whatsoever, from looking through all the evidence, that they had from the very beginning, that they had for the first 56 days a concerted plan and a war room to fix this.”
Later on during the discussion, after announcing she had some “interesting news” on the latest oil flow rate estimates, Brzezinski struggled to contain laughter as Welch quipped “oh, you’ve got some more talking points on that?”
“Do you want to know why I have a file that I’ve been working on with the White House—and I’ll be very transparent about that?” Brzezinski, said.
“Because of your friend Rudy Giuliani who came here last week spewing out a whole bunch of nothing.”
It seems that following that interview with Giuliani, in which he was overtly critical of the White House handling of the spill, Mika, the daughter of Trilateral Commission co-founder and and former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, was called to “work with the White House” on oil spill talking points.
Watch the video:
This is clearly part of the tightly controlled PR output on the spill that Obama has instituted in the wake of the initial slow response.
This isn’t the first time the corporate networks have prostituted their integrity and handed over control of their content to the Obama administration. Back in June of last year, ABC News mimicked the likes of Communist China and North Korea by completely turning its news coverage over to the government and excluding any dissenting opinions to promote Obama’s health care agenda.
The news coverage was complemented later in the year by political propaganda “organically” woven into the plots and storylines of prime time network television shows. These are just the cases we know about.
The fact that corporate TV outlets are openly writing scripts and editing entertainment and news content to incorporate government propaganda, added to the fact that they act like this is some kind of wonderful service to the American people, is a damning indictment of just how deep the alphabet soup networks are in the pocket of the establishment.
It also underscores exactly why they are losing viewers to the Internet and alternative media at an alarming speed while hypocritically attacking the alternative media for being untrustworthy.
We’ll leave it to the reader to decide for themselves. Who’s the most trustworthy? The muckraking blogger or the legions of corporate media whores who brazenly hand over their editorial control to the government and then celebrate the fact as if it’s a major achievement?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Obama Administration Admits Obamacare is a Tax
Philip Klein
The American Spectator
June 21, 2010
In order to protect the new national health care law from legal challenges, the Obama administration has been forced to argue that the individual mandate represents a tax — even though Obama himself argued the exact opposite while campaigning to pass the legislation.
Late last night, the Obama Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss the Florida-based lawsuit against the health care law, arguing that the court lacks jurisdiction and that the State of Florida and fellow plaintiffs haven’t presented a claim for which the court can grant relief. To bolster its case, the DOJ cited the Anti-Injunction Act, which restricts courts from interfering with the government’s ability to collect taxes.
The Act, according to a DOJ memo supporting the motion to dismiss, says that “no suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court by any person, whether or not such person is the person against whom such tax was assessed.” The memo goes on to say that it makes no difference whether the disputed payment it is called a “tax” or “penalty,” because either way, it’s “assessed and collected in the same manner” by the Internal Revenue Service.
Obama Told Sen. Kyl He Will Not Secure Border Until “Immigration Reform” Law is Passed
RS Redstate
June 21, 2010
On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”
Sen. Kyl also said he reminded President Obama that the President and the Congress have an obligation, a duty, to secure the border.
June 21, 2010
On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”
Sen. Kyl also said he reminded President Obama that the President and the Congress have an obligation, a duty, to secure the border.
Obama Gives Major Swath of Arizona Back to Mexico
June 19, 2010
The federal government is now telling American citizens to stay out of three southern Arizona counties. It is too dangerous because of armed smugglers from Mexico.
June 19, 2010
The federal government is now telling American citizens to stay out of three southern Arizona counties. It is too dangerous because of armed smugglers from Mexico.
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