Sunday, April 11, 2010

Redmond Cops Use Drugs as Excuse to Establish Warrantless Checkpoint

April 10, 2010

Redmond police, trying a new method to address drug trafficking through the city, set up a special enforcement operation on the North Highway 97 Reroute Thursday afternoon, stopping drivers for traffic violations and searching some vehicles if they had cause to believe drugs might be found.

The “focused traffic patrols” took place between 2:30 and 5:30 p.m., and warning signs were placed along the highway, advising motorists that drug detection dogs could be working in the area, said Lt. Nathan Garibay.

“If, when vehicles were stopped for traffic violations, police had any reason to believe there might have been drugs involved, they furthered their investigation and had the dog check the car,” said Capt. Brian McNaughton.

Two people were arrested on drug charges, including the driver of a semi truck that was pulled over and searched, turning up a small quantity of cocaine, McNaughton said.

Source: KTVZ

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