Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Savage: Obama Regime Will Stage Violence To Crush Dissent

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, April 21, 2010

Popular talk show host Michael Savage has warned that the “illegitimate” Obama regime is planning to use agent provocateurs to stage violence or acts of terror in order to frame Tea Party members as violent extremists and crush free speech in America.

Savage’s rant was in response to Council on Foreign Relations member and Time Magazine journalist Joe Klein, who told Obama attack dog Chris Matthews during an MSNBC interview that some of the rhetoric coming from Tea Party members borders on sedition.

Savage also made reference to BIll Clinton’s comments to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer last week in which the former President implied that rising anger directed towards the federal government could cause another domestic terror attack on the scale of the Oklahoma City bombing to take place, which is nothing less than a veiled threat as anyone who has investigated the OKC bombing in any depth will understand.

Savage labeled Klein and his ilk “horses arses” for attempting to charge 80 per cent of Americans with sedition for dissenting against the government, stating that the majority of Americans see the Obama administration as an “illegitimate government”.

Savage said that it was Obama and not the American people who was committing sedition against the constitution by forcing policies upon the American people that they had never voted for.

“You want us to be arrested for speaking out against the President? Kiss my behind Joe Klein, how’s that for sedition?” proclaimed Savage.

Savage warned Americans not to be provoked into taking the bait and committing violence.

“They have probably sent agent provocateurs in there with guns – I can guarantee you that this government is going to do something along those lines,” said Savage, adding, “It doesn’t take a genius to know what this illegitimate band of gangsters is going to do next,” saying that a violent action somewhere in America will be conducted by an agent provocateur “that they sent into the crowds”.

“The October surprise that they have in mind for this world is not to be imagined,” continued Savage, “As we speak the enemies of freedom are planning their next move if it hasn’t been done already, they’ve already planted the agent provocateurs in the Tea Parties and they’re only waiting to set them off like the sleeper cells that Al-Qaeda allegedly had in the United States of America.”

“Mark my words, I would hazard a guess, knowing how politicians have worked who don’t have the interests of the people at heart….that the agent provocateurs have been planted like sleeper cells inside the Tea Parties and they’re gonna let them go off all at once, make no mistake about it they want that to happen, they want the flashes to go off, and they will be behind it in my estimation,” said Savage, adding that if action is not taken to stop it, “The iron heel fascism of the left will have crushed free speech in America.”

With the media ceaselessly hyping the inevitability of violence by obsessing about stories like “Jihad Jane” and the Hutaree raid, and then connecting it with libertarians, constitutionalists, tea party members and basically anyone who expresses dissent, the groundwork is clearly being prepared for some kind of false flag that will be used to frame the most vociferous critics of the Obama administration.

Listen to Savage’s rant below.

Source: Prison

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