Monday, April 26, 2010

CNN Pushes Brutal One Child Policy As Part Of “Green” Love Life

Chinese system is enforced by forced abortion, infanticide and compulsory sterilization

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Under the guise of a trendy-wendy “green love life” feature story, CNN today casually pushes Chinese-style one child policies, a brutal program which in reality is enforced by way of forced abortions, infanticide and compulsory sterilization.

“Don’t be so keen on having babies. How about adopting a child instead or implementing a one-child policy?” the CNN story breezily suggests.

Somewhere in the region of twenty-five million men in China are unable to find brides because so many girls are murdered shortly after birth. The explosion in the illegal sex trade in Asia is also a direct result of the shortage of women.

In many cases, women are literally kidnapped off the street by state goons from the “Birth Control Office,” driven to government hospitals, drugged, and their child is forcibly aborted.

In one case earlier this year, both a young woman and her baby were killed after such an abduction in Liaocheng City.

“According to a Doctor at the hospital where the two died, the young woman was kidnapped by the “Birth Control Office” and taken to the hospital where she was forced to undergo an abortion procedure,” reported the Epoch Times.

“The young woman fought with staff to protect her unborn child however a half a dozen men, pushed her down on a bed and injected her with a drug to induce labor. After the young woman had a still birth, she developed a massive hemorrhage and soon thereafter died.”

This is the kind of tyrannical regime CNN is promoting under the veil of green fascism.

Policies introduced in the name of cutting CO2 emissions are already killing millions of people in the third world. The implementation of policies arising out of fraudulent fearmongering and biased studies on global warming is already devastating the third world, with a doubling in food prices as a result of the introduction of biofuels causing mass starvation and death.

CNN’s promotion of Communist one child policies arrives a month after the corporate news agency praised Mao’s great leap forward as “good for women”.

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