Sunday, April 4, 2010

Establishment Grooms “Outsider” Petraeus for Presidential Bid

Kurt Nimmo
April 4, 2010

Forget the Tea Party. Forget Ron Paul. Forget untried and unknown independents. America needs a strong leader. It needs an outsider.

“Many voters yearn for an outsider, someone with authenticity, integrity and proven accomplishment. Someone who has not spent their life plotting how to ascend the greasy pole, adjusting every utterance for maximum political advantage,” writes Toby Harnden for the Daily Telegraph. “In this toxic climate, perhaps the only public institution that has increased in prestige in recent years is the American military.”

That outsider is General David Petraeus.

Outsider? Petraeus is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. The “outsider” Patraeus attended the Bilderberg meeting held in Greece in 2009.

Foreign Policy magazine, the globalist Carnegie Endowment for International Peace periodical now owned by the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, profiled Petraeus as number eight on its list of “Top 100 Global Thinkers.” The establishment media has turned somersaults to praise him and select him as leader of the year on numerous occasions. The Atlantic Council, an insider organization par excellence — members and associates include Brent Scowcroft, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Colin Powell and Zbigniew Brzezinski — has bestowed its Military Leadership Award on Petraeus.

Neocon warmongers love Petraeus. The American Enterprise Institute — one of a handful of neocon think tanks behind the push to invade Iraq and kill a million plus Iraqis — bestowed its 2010 Irving Kristol Award on Petraeus. The late Kristol is considered to be the godfather of the neocon movement.

General David Petraeus is very much an insider.

“He’s a serious guy,” declared the “hawk” (neocon) Rep. Pete King in October. “He’s about the only one out there who could really challenge Obama, who isn’t as strong as he was a few months ago… I think he’s an independent, and I haven’t talked to him about this, but I’d encourage him… I’d be open to it.”

Another “hawk,” Democrat Peter Beinart of the Council on Foreign Relations, has compared Petraeus to Eisenhower, the last general president (who incidentally warned about the influence of the military-industrial complex). The GOP, argues Beinart, will “need someone with enough personal appeal to avoid the culture war food-fights that obsess the Republican base, someone who exudes moral traditionalism and fiscal prudence without appearing fanatical or intolerant.”

In other words, Petraeus will not pander to the “fanatical or intolerant” Tea Party movement, now considered to be the “Republican base,” thanks to the Republican effort to hijack the movement and install disinfo operative Glenn Beck and wind-up doll Sarah Palin as its leaders.

Establishment Republicans and their former Trotskyite neocon fellow travelers are desperate to assign the Tea Party movement with its quaint ideas about the Constitution and small government to the sidelines and thus irrelevancy by 2012.

Petraeus is not a patriot. He was instrumental in the illegal invasion of Iraq. He assumed command of USCENTCOM and is now responsible for U.S. operations in 20 countries from Egypt to Pakistan, including Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Petraeus has thrown his support behind Obama’s “Afghanistan strategy,” that is to say endless war against an enemy created by the CIA and an ever-increasing body count of innocent civilians.

It remains to be seen if the Petraeus trick will swoon growing numbers of people joining the Tea Party movement. If the establishment can sell deep insider General David Petraeus as an “outsider” and independent, they can sell just about anything to the suckers.

Keep in mind that the Republican Tea Party was able to sell Sarah Palin as the ostensible leader of the movement. So confident are they of the loyalty of the suckers, they continued to insist on her viability as a maverick even as she pranced around the stage in designer fashion at a John McCain re-election campaign.


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