Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power

New transfers of wealth from middle class go directly to French and German banks

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 10, 2010

American taxpayers have been freshly liberated of hundreds of billions more dollars as part of the IMF’s new bailout package which is principally going straight to European banks, in addition to the Federal Reserve program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe, in a move that represents little more than a desperate effort to save the Euro and rescue the credibility of economic global governance.

“The Federal Reserve late Sunday opened a program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe in a move to head off a broader financial crisis on the continent,” reports the Associated Press.

“The Fed’s action reopens a program put in place during the 2008 global financial crisis under which dollars are shipped overseas through the foreign central banks. In turn, these central banks can lend the dollars out to banks in their home countries that are in need of dollar funding to prevent the European crisis from spreading further.”

As we reported last time this program was enacted, the Federal Reserve refused to say which foreign banks had received an estimated half a trillion dollars in credit swaps. The program is unconstitutional under Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution which states, “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.”

In addition to the credit swap program being re-enacted, the IMF portion of a separate European bailout package amounts to around $287 billion dollars. Since American taxpayers represent around 20 per cent of IMF funding, they will fork out something in the region of $57 billion dollars which which primarily go straight to French and German banks, not to mention the billions more in transfers of wealth that will occur through the Fed’s credit swap program.

“Politicians everywhere applaud this most recent rape of America’s working class, even as communism is now the global ideology,” writes Tyler Durden. “Who needs when reality is now 10 times more surreal. And the direct recipients of taxpayer generosity: SocGen, AXA, Dexia, CA and all other French and German banks, which right now are all up ~20%.”

But it’s not just American taxpayers who have been looted to save the crumbling facade of the Euro single currency. British taxpayers will be forced to underwrite an estimated £10 billion pounds of the bailout as part of the IMF package.

And all for what? The two primary reasons for the bailout are to rescue ailing confidence in the globalist Euro single currency, which was forced upon European citizens against their will when it was introduced, and to prop up the casino stock markets. Neither of these justifications provide any benefit for the average citizen or the middle class, and yet we are the ones paying for it with our depreciated savings, our evaporating pension funds and our crumbling infrastructure and public services, which are all being forgotten in pursuit of one massive banker bailout after another.

Credibility in the agenda to impose global economic governance run by the Nazi-founded Bank for International Settlements rests in upholding confidence in the Euro. If the Euro collapses and ceases to exist, which many financial experts are now seriously predicting, then the entire raison d’ĂȘtre for centralized economic planning in pursuit of global governance will be completely discredited. The globalists must save the Euro in order to legitimize future plans for a North American Union single currency which will replace the dollar.

When the dollar sank to alarming lows against other global currencies little over two years ago, we saw none of the same concern or hand-wringing on behalf of the elite as we are seeing for the Euro. That’s because the survival of the dollar is not part of their framework of global economic governance. For all the elite cares, the dollar can crash and burn but rescuing the Euro from the same fate is imperative.

Indeed, it appears as if the chaos in Greece is being deliberately provoked and hyped in order to justify the continued re-alignment and centralization of the entire financial system into fewer globalist hands.

As The Economic Collapse Blog writes today, “Could Greece bring down the entire world economy? Hardly. The truth is that you could remove Greece from the world economy tomorrow and most people would hardly notice. The economy of Greece is only about 2% the size of the United States economy, and it takes in less than 0.1% of U.S. exports. But we are being led to believe that Greece has suddenly become the epicenter of a financial crisis which is going to bring down everything. Could it be that this Greek debt crisis is purposely being hyped and manipulated? Could it be that this Greek debt crisis is yet another example of the “problem, reaction, solution” paradigm that the global elite have employed so many times before?”

“Right now almost all of the governments in the western world operate debt-based economies that rely on ever-inflating amounts of paper money in order to survive. The elite international bankers of the world have made a killing by creating money out of nothing and loaning it to the nations of the world. The interest on those loans is the primary method by which the wealth of the world is slowly transferred into the hands of the ultra-wealthy. When the interest on the loans starts to become too much for a particular nation, they borrow even more money so that they can stay afloat. It is a debt trap that is designed to continue indefinitely. Even the most powerful nations in the world are caught in this debt trap. In fact, most people are absolutely amazed when they learn that it is mathematically impossible to pay off the national debt of the United States. But the United States is far from alone in that respect. Almost all of the other major nations in the world are in the exact same boat.”

It’s horribly ironic that the Euro, global economic governance, and the entire European project was sold under the justification that centralization meant stability, and yet now we are being told that the chaos in Greece is contagious and could spread to Spain, Portugal and Italy unless taxpayers are looted for billions and trillions more.

Reality has proven that centralization of economies under the banner of the EU and the Euro causes economic chaos to go viral. When nearly every country on a single continent uses the same currency, they infect one other with the disease. This is then habitually exploited as an excuse with which to rob taxpayers whose living standards are declining as their currency devalues and their pensions wither on the vine.

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