page 16:
If you have insurance at the time of the this bills passage, you will be required to take a similar plan. If it's not available you will have to take the government option.
page 22: audits of all employers that self-insure
page 29: your healthcare will be rationed. comparitive care to cut cost.
page 30: a government committe will decide what treatments and benefits you will get, and unlike and regular insurer, there will be no appeals process.
page 42: the health choices commissioner will decide health benefits for you. you will have no choice.
page 50: all U.S citizens, illegal or non, will be provided free healthcare services
page 58: every person will be issued a national ID card
page 59: the federal government will have direct, real-time excess to any an all individual bank accounts, for electronic funds transfer, and if you get any converage they deem unnecessary you will be fined. Your wages can also be garnished.
page 72: all healthcare plans must conform to government rules in order to participate in healthcare exchange, lowering the amount of care you get.
page 84: all private healthcare plans must participate in the healthcare exchange
page 95: government to pay accorn and americore to sign up individuals for the healthcare plan
page 102: those most ellegible for medicaid will be automatically enrolled, you have no choice.
page 124: no company can sue the government for price fixing, no judicial review is permitted against the government monopoly. Put simply, private insurers will be crushed unless your one of those insurance companies that wrote the bill
page 125: an employeer must auto enroll all employees. no alternatives
page 126: employeers must pay healthcare bills for part-time employees and their families up to the age of 26. and employee with a payroll of 400,000 or more who does not offer the public option is an 8% tax on payroll. any employeer with 200,000 or more pays a 2-6% tax on payroll
page 167: an individual who doesnt have acceptable healthcare according to the governent will be taxed 2.5% of income.
page 170: an non resident alien is exempt for individual taxes
page 195: officers and employees of governemtn healthcare beuracracy will have access to all americans finacial and personal records, via the irs.
page 239: bill will reduce physical sevices for medicaid. 43 billion a year cut
it has also been reported by the AP and others that the bill does not cover children with pre-existing conditions
page 241: all doctors will now be paid the same, regardless of speciallty
page 253: government will now set values of doctors time, their personal judgement.
page 265: control of productivity for private healthcare companies
page 268: government regulates rental and purchase of power operated wheelchairs
page 280: hospitals penalized for what the governemtn deems preventable admissions
page 317: doctors prohibited in investing in private healthcare
page 318: prohibition of hospital expansion without government approval
page 341: government has authority to disqualify medicare, hmos, etc...
page 354: government restriction of individuals with specialty needs
page 425: assisted suicide and euthanisia. government instruction on living wills, and power of attorney etc...provide end of life resources, guiding you in death
page 489: government cover marraige and family therapy. government incentives to marriage
Source: Alex Jones Radio Show
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