Friday, March 26, 2010
President Obama’s promise that Americans would still be able to keep the same doctor and the same plan they were on before the health care bill was passed is already collapsing, with businesses, insurance companies and medical device manufacturers jacking up prices in response to Obamacare, and making it clear that the burden of the raft of new taxes imposed by the legislation will fall on Americans across the income spectrum.
Accusing critics of “fearmongering” and “over-heated rhetoric.” Obama mockingly said birds were still chirping after he signed the legislation and that armageddon had not arrived during a speech yesterday in Iowa.
“After I signed the bill I looked around to see if there were any asteroids falling or some cracks opening up in the earth – turned out it was a nice day,” quipped Obama.
Obama said “the cynics and naysayers would have to confront the reality,” and that the reform “isn’t a government takeover of our health care system,” claiming that “if Americans like their doctor they’ll be keeping their doctor, you like your plan, you’ll be keeping your plan.”
Obama promised that 6 months from now Americans would still have the “same doctor, same plan”.
Watch the clip below.
However, millions of Americans will lose their doctor and their current plan once businesses, insurance companies, and medical devices manufacturers inevitably raise their prices as a result of Obamacare, which is already happening.
As Business Insider highlights, “Remember the part in the ObamaCare pitch when they said if you like your current healthcare, it won’t change? Turns out it might.”
“Companies are already announcing that their healthcare premium costs are going through the roof. Some are responding by firing people. Some are cutting benefits. And some are presumably eating it.”
As the Wall Street Journal reports, within one day of Obama signing the bill, companies were already warning about higher health costs.
Caterpillar, the world’s largest construction machinery manufacturer, warned even before the bill was passed that new costs under Obamacare to cover its employees would amount to no less than $100 million dollars just within the first year.
Medical device maker Medtronic also cautioned that new taxes imposed by the bill would force the company to lay off thousands of workers to cover the costs.
Zoll, the leading manufacturer of heart defibrillators, also stated that Obamacare will completely eviscerate its profits, forcing it to lay off thousands of employees.
So under Obamacare, not only will tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Americans not get to keep their health care plan, they won’t even get to keep their jobs as a result of the bill.
Now Verizon is warning its employees that they are unlikely to be able to keep their current health care plan as a consequence of the legislation.
“In an email titled “President Obama Signs Health Care Legislation” sent to all employees Tuesday night, the telecom giant warned that “we expect that Verizon’s costs will increase in the short term.” While executive vice president for human resources Marc Reed wrote that “it is difficult at this point to gauge the precise impact of this legislation,” and that ObamaCare does reflect some of the company’s policy priorities, the message to workers was clear: Expect changes for the worse to your health benefits as the direct result of this bill, and maybe as soon as this year,” reports WSJ.
Verizon also warned that the burden of the 40% tax on high-end health plans under Obamacare “will simply be spread to all workers,” illustrating once again that taxes introduced under the guise of punishing the rich merely hit everyone in the pocket, while elitist Washington insiders like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Obama himself will be completely exempt from their own bill as a result of a loophole.
“Businesses around the country are making the same calculations as Verizon and no doubt sending out similar messages. It’s only a small measure of the destruction that will be churned out by the rewrite of health, tax, labor and welfare laws that is ObamaCare, and only the vanguard of much worse to come,” concludes the WSJ report.
So there you have it – Obama’s guarantee that Americans will be able to keep the “same doctor, same plan” is a bald-faced lie. Soaring costs across the board as a result of the plethora of new taxes mandated by Obamacare will simply be passed on to every American, amounting to gargantuan health care costs in the region of $15,000 a year for middle class families.
And if you refuse to pay it – Obamacare ensures there’ll be a willing army of heavily armed IRS agents ready to convince you otherwise.
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