Sunday, April 11, 2010

Corporate Media Connects Hutaree Members to U.S. Military

Kurt Nimmo
April 11, 2010

Newsweek is reporting that two members of the Hutaree “militia” are ex-members of the U.S. military. “Federal investigators have discovered that two members of the extremist Michigan-based Hutaree militia group charged with plotting to assassinate law-enforcement officers are former U.S. military servicemen, including a Marine Corps corporal who was a Persian Gulf War veteran and decorated expert rifleman,” writes Michael Isikoff.

Two members of the Hutaree served in the U.S. military.

Michael David Meeks is a former Marine. Kristopher Tyler Sickles, who appeared on the Alex Jones Show last year (calling himself Pale Horse), enlisted in the U.S. Army in August 2007 and was discharged in October of that year after being absent without leave, according to Isikoff.

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center told Newsweek military veterans may be helping to train extremists in firearms and military tactics, an accusation that underscores government claims. Potok and the SPLC have engaged in a tireless propaganda campaign along with the corporate media to discredit the American patriot movement and connect it to white supremacists.

“Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists,” the now infamous Department of Homeland Security report on “rightwing extremism” leaked last year claimed. The report said the government is “concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities.”

In response to intense criticism of the accusation returning veterans are potential domestic terrorists, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to the American Legion and other veteran groups. “I know that some veterans groups were offended by the fact that veterans were mentioned in this assessment, so I apologize for that offense. It was certainly not intended,” said Napolitano.

Former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin noted last April that “if anyone has a legitimate reason to be disgruntled, it is America’s veterans.” Baldwin said veterans were ordered to fight a preemptive and unconstitutional war of aggression in Iraq “not for the safety and security of the American people, but for international bankers” and the United Nations. He also said medical care for veterans is deplorable and they are treated like second class citizens.

Supporters of Baldwin and former presidential candidate Ron Paul were vilified as domestic terrorists in a report issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center. The report was leaked to Alex Jones in March, 2009, by an anonymous source inside Missouri law enforcement.

The Newsweek article states that Pentagon policy forbids service members from “engaging in ‘active’ participation in extremist groups,” apparently including patriot organizations and groups such as the Oath Keepers that advocate service members and law enforcement follow the Constitution. The DHS report blurs the lines between patriot and racist groups and attempts to portray members as dangerous conspiracy theorists.

On Friday, federal prosecutors attempted to characterize the alleged leader of the Hutaree, David Stone, as a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist. “A transcript of a planned speech by Hutaree militia leader David Stone calling for war on the New World Order was filed this week in federal court in Detroit,” reported United Press International. “In his speech, Stone suggested most U.S. citizens are waiting for something like the Hutaree militia to come forward and take back the federal government.”


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