Monday, April 12, 2010

Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 12, 2010

With the establishment desperate to engender and exploit violence which will be used to demonize the Tea Party movement as an extremist mob, so-called anarchists are now openly declaring their intentions to pose as Tea Party members and stage violence in order to discredit populist grass roots organizations.

As we warned last week, leading anarchist groups have announced that they plan to “crash” the nationwide Tea Party protests on April 15, a promise that should not be taken lightly given the proven history of such organizations being infiltrated and steered by authorities to provocateur pointless mayhem and violence that serves as a justification for oppressing peaceful protest groups.

Now a new website called has appeared to act as a forum through which such activity can be planned. The website openly states its mission is to have people infiltrate and pose as Tea Party members and then carry out shameful acts in order to “dismantle and demolish” the Tea Party. The website is registered to a man named Josh Levin.

“Whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them. We will also use the inside information that we have gained in order to disrupt and derail their plans,” states the website.

“In other words, some on the Left in American politics are running a KGB-like “false flag” operation to discredit the Tea Party,” writes the Washington Examiner’s Josh Tapscott. “They couldn’t sell the transparently nonsensical idea that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons, so the Crash the Party agents on the Left are infiltrating the Tea Party in order to pose as a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons.”

“It’s among the most illustrative expressions ever of the thirst on the Left to suppress dissent by whatever means are necessary,” he adds.

Given the virulent hatred for free speech such groups embrace, it’s unsurprising that merely staging a counter-demonstration is not good enough for them – they have to impersonate and undermine their political opposition in a completely underhanded and immature fashion.

Despite the fact that the website preaches non-violence, several of the posts appear to be from anarchists posing as Tea Party members and threatening violence. One such post entitled, “Tea Party Members, Step Aside Or Be Violently Put Aside,” written by “The Invisible Tea Party,” advocates violent overthrow of the government and plays precisely into the hands of the establishment’s recent drive to characterize any opposition whatsoever to the federal government as potentially violent.

“If the facade of the Tea Party Movement does not step aside…well…they will have to be forced aside at their rallies and on their websites and if they are forced…it will not be peaceful,” states the post.

Respondents to the post call out the originator as an anarchist posing as a Tea Party member, advocating violence as a means of discrediting the Tea Party.

“I think your full of crap Febbs, before the swarm of tea party patriots you were collaborating with the web-master “The mad hatter,” writes one.

Other anarchists posing as Tea Party members openly spout racism in an attempt to fulfil the need to portray the Tea Party movement as “racists, homophobes and morons”.

“We need to bring some colored nigeros to the next tea party so we don’t appear to be racists. We have to bring some tame ones, not the wild street apes with gold teeth and saggy pants,” writes one poster.

The rest of the forum appears to have been completely overrun by real Tea Party members who have taken delight in turning the whole thing into a farce by challenging the provocateurs to real debates, something which anarchists tend to shy away from when they’re not pointlessly shattering windows at the local downtown McDonalds.

The Washington Examiner’s Josh Tapscott labels the whole effort, “Saul Alinsky on steroids”.

As Tapscott rightly points out, the success of the “crash the Tea Party” scam will depend upon whether the mainstream media takes the bait, which is almost a certainty considering how the press wholesale manufactured the alleged Emmanuel Cleaver “racist spitting” farce, which as videos of the incident later proved, amounted to nothing more than an old man yelling.

“It’s a classic KGB-style disinformation campaign. Will mainstream media editors and reporters be fooled? Will they know it when they are being scammed by Crash the Party? Will they expose Crash the Party operatives or cooperate with them in their effort to misrepresent millions of Americans?” concludes Tapscott.


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