Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is there an effort to overthrow the united States Constitutional form of Government?

Posted by sakerfa on April 15, 2010

Remember the Oath
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;…

The united States Under Seige
The silent Coup d’ etat of the United States of America
The silent Coup d’ etat of the United States of America is nearly complete. Congress is giving nearly unlimited authority to the private Federal Reserve Bank (“Fed”), owned by the big banks, to regulate themselves. They are then giving the Fed authority over most every publicly traded company with the simultaneous unconstitutional authority to print money to be used to purchase trillions of dollars of stocks and to monetize the Debt of the United States government. They are also working to subordinate the Fed and Congressional authority to the globalist/fascist International Monetary Fund. Once this occurs which is happening in Congress, the Coup will be done. The international globalist fascist bankers will have conquered the United States of America and the ultimate act of treason will have been performed in plain sight of an unsuspecting dumbed down American public….

6 steps to accomplishing the coup…

Step 1 – Create a Crisis

Step 2 – Appear to be the only one to solve a crisis and use it to increase power and influence

Step 3 – Give the private Federal Reserve Bank unlimited authority to create debt out of nothing, purchase stocks, bonds and US Treasuries out of newly created debt and give the authority to seize all US Companies

Step 4 – Subordinate Authority of the Federal Reserve Bank to the International Monetary Fund (simulataneously place all foreign central banks under the authority of the IMF)

Step 5 – Destabilize US Currency – Destroy The Purchasing Power of the Federal Reserve Note to Clear the path to a New IMF Global Currency

Step 6 – Bring In IMF to introduce new global currency and take all US Treausry, Gold Reserves US Home Mortgages and Stock in US Compnaies purchased as collateral for the newly printed fiat global currency


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